Chapter 69

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 69

Rosanna POV

I woke up to another beautiful morning but my heart and soul are breaking and probably my mind as well. I climb out of bed and stagger to the shower with much difficulty then head out I know that I have to do this if I don't I think I might go crazy. I was going through with my plan thankfully I packed last night and I know I told Norman that I was going to the old house but I'm not I'm going as far away as I can go seeming no one wants me here. I walked past the twins' nursery and I open the door to find the room empty I walk to the girls and look down on these two little girls who at any other time I'd love but I don't deserve to be their mom and they deserve better than me as a mom I'm so hopeless they'll be fine here with their father and those women. I take my phone out and take some pictures of them. I leaned down to kiss them and my back hurts again suck it up, princess.

"I wish things were different girls be good for your daddy. He's a good man when he isn't being an ass. I wish I could love you."

I walked away from them and went to find Destiny's room and finding she was also asleep I went to her dirty clothes and picked out something it smelt like my daughter. I don't want to do this but I don't have a choice he hasn't given me one, hating me as he does, what if he moves on do I want to see him with someone else well he made his choice. I go back to make sure that I have everything not that I'm taking much. I called a cab and arranged for it to pick me up leaving the keys to the old place at Norman's bedroom door and I made my way downstairs, as I did the front door opened and that chef came through.

"Good morning. You're up early have you changed your mind about my cooking?"

"You can suck up to the man of the house."

"You know I'm not trying to take your family away from you."

"Sure, you aren't, between you and bitchface you're doing a good job at stealing my jobs. My job used to be to look after my family, but now I have nothing to be proud of. I hope you both are happy." I heard a car horn beep and I go to the door.

"Ma'am, did you want me to tell Norman where you're going?"

"Firstly, it's Mr. Reedus, not Norman don't get too familiar. Secondly to hell, as if you'd care don't try to be my friend. Thirdly don't worry you won't have to worry about stealing my job you can have it I just don't give a fuck anymore." I walked out the front door and climbed into the cab not looking back. I told the driver that we were going to the airport and away from everything that I love.

Norman POV

I can't do this anymore I want to talk to Rosanna I decided that we're not going to leave the bedroom until we have talked I miss her not just here in bed but in general, I just want to talk calmly and see if I can talk some sense into her that I'm not trying to control and dominate her or that the staff isn't replacing her they're only here to make her life a little easier so she can get better eventually they'll leave and Rosanna can do everything she wants to do. I was hurt by everything she says especially when she said I was cheating. I should've made her listen to me and explained I was stressed sex was the last thing on my mind I just wanted the woman I love back. When she came back she was so upset and so angry.

I get up as usual without a hard-on George doesn't like the stress, I doubt I could think or look at another woman. I thought that I might as well try now before the kids woke up. I open the door and step on something I look down and I stepped on a set of keys, and I thought oh fuck, and went straight to Rosanna's room and knocked on the door, there wasn't an answer I opened the door and the room was empty.

"Oh god woman I didn't think you were serious." I ran as fast as I could to the room grabbed my phone and called Rosanna but she rejected my call, maybe she was here I head downstairs hoping she is.

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