Chapter 14

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 14

Rosanna POV

I'm back at my house after a hectic day of dress shopping, and Helena insisted I needed shoes even though I'm sure I have a pair I could wear here in my collection. I decide if I'm supposed to be moving in with Norman seeing he's my soon-to-be husband, I decide that I need to go through mom's things and decide what I need to keep. I find a box of her books and decide to get rid of them but then I find the one she always kept beside her bed, Madame Bovary I decide to keep that as she loved that one I've never read this so decide that I might start, as I get up from the ground an envelope falls out and I have no idea what it is I decide to open it. 'Darling Rosanna, I know if you're reading this then it means you're moving on selling my house which I'm glad babe, you need to move on with your life. Yes cry for me but live your life babe. Don't let life pass you by. I know you'll have a wonderful life and even though you said you wouldn't have kids I know there's one in your future love babe let yourself go love to the extreme you never know how long you have with someone don't ever hold back, I know your father died twenty-six years ago but I still love him and I'm glad in part to be returning to him but know I'll always love you, you're the best thing I ever did and I know you'll have a good life with a man who loves you to death as your father loved me. Love my granddaughter for me since I can't be there. Know I've always been proud of you and everything you did and thank you for being a wonderful daughter and helping me these past few months. I love you Rosanna always.' I wiped the tears away from my eyes, I always knew my mom loved me we always made an effort to make sure we talked all the time. I'm sure she'd find it funny that I'm marrying Norman, I'm sure she was crushing on him. I know Norman loves me so much, I've never felt anything like what I feel when I'm with him, and he loves me as I am, he loves every curve I have and I love that. I finished crying and heard my phone go off with a message I read it get a little excited he wants to take me to the set as he said he has a big night of filming and thought I'd like it, damn straight I would. I decided on a dress I brought as well today and flats. A while later Norman turned up and I skipped out of the house and to his car.

"Hey, babe you look happy. Mom was saying that you had a good day."

"Yeah got this you like? Got my dress which you mister can't see it's staying here or at the hotel, I'll stay the night before. I told you I'm a traditional woman and I won't be seeing you before the wedding and you won't be seeing the dress I need all the luck possible as I used it all getting you and Destiny."

"Well, you're my lucky charm babe we'll have a good life, by the way, I hope you're ready to meet oh about two hundred people I emailed everyone I knew and well half of them said yes so we'll need a big cake."

"Was thinking there are ruffles and roses in my dress so maybe have ruffles and roses on the cakes would you be cool with that?"

"Absolutely babe. You okay you look like you've been crying."

I explained how I found a letter my mom wrote me and well it was a bit sad and she knew I'd be having a baby and wished me all the love in the world and that you'd love me to death.

"I think I'd like her. Okay, she seems like a smart woman like you."

We made it to the set and I was given a pass and instructions on what I was allowed to do a big no was no photos which sucked as I waited for Norman to get into costume he steps out and I must say if we were alone I'd want him, I feel myself blushing.

"Little excited there babe?"

"Well if we were alone I'd be throwing you down and riding you." The costumer laughs.

"I remember those days horny all the time. Better get used to it Reedus I was like that drove my Peter crazy when I wasn't working."

Norman walked me to a jeep and we got to set, found a spot to sit, and he made sure I was comfortable, then left me.

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