Chapter 42

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 42


I woke after an early morning feeling like shit. I look at my phone it's two in the afternoon well there goes my second day in Rome.

"Hey beautiful woman you feeling any better?"

"Yeah, I do I'm exhausted, but I'm feeling better. I'm sorry I've spoiled our holiday."

"Rosanna, what did I tell you? We can do as much or as little as we want. If you want to spend more time in Rome we can how about we spend an extra day here I'll arrange it and we'll write today off. I mean if you're hungry we can find somewhere to eat or get room service or head to the hotel restaurant whatever you want or if you are up to it we can go to Asia's home I'd like to see her again haven't in a long time though I need to tell you something. We dated for about three months while we were working together but she's just a friend, she's nice."

"I'd like to meet her. I trust you with all the most important things in my life, my heart, my soul, and my daughter I'm sorry that I didn't trust you about what happened I hope in time I can earn your trust again. But I didn't have faith in you until then." I was shocked by him kissing me.

"Rosanna remember clean slate as long as we trust each other now that's all that matters. You can't keep punishing yourself all the time for one slip-up. We're together and love each other that's all that matters."

"Thank you."

We eventually dressed, I decided to wear a handkerchief dress and Norman was casual as usual we used the hotel's car and they drove us to Asia's house it's beautiful.

"Wow Norman I know it's silly but I could see myself living in this part of the world it's just beautiful."

"Not silly at all." The front door opens and Asia steps out.

"Hey Norman, so nice to see you again." They hug each other, and then she hugs me. "And you must be Rosanna, it's so nice to meet you, I'm Asia welcome come on inside I hope you're hungry. Anthony has been cooking up a storm, he's a little excited Daryl Dixon's coming for dinner I'm so glad you are feeling better Rosanna. Norman was saying you two mightn't be able to come over that'd have been such a shame." We walk inside the artwork is amazing. "Anthony babe, Norman, and Rosanna are here." Oh my god, it's Anthony Bourdain I love his shows.

"Hi, welcome nice to meet you two." He shook our hands. "I hope you both are hungry. We have Caprese salad, carbonara, and panna cotta with raspberry coulis."

"Well, I don't know about Norman, but I am. Oh, I think I need to say this before I fangirl out but I'm a huge fan of yours, especially being in the food industry myself."

"Well, I want to hear more. Come on let's take these outside and get to know each other." We take dinner out and sit in the alfresco area. "So, Rosanna you said that you are in the food industry? What do you do?"

"Oh, I own a cake store. I make wedding cakes, birthday cakes you know the specialty type cakes, realistic cats and dogs whatever rocks a person's boat, though I won't do baby cakes did a couple and one wanted red velvet cake inside the other wasn't too bad it was a gender reveal cake so it was blue but this red velvet one all I could think of was damn they are cutting into this poor baby. But my all-time favorite was my Deathstar cake it had lights and everything. And our cake topper was so pretty. I'm more into people and intricate designs."

"Wow, that's very cool so you're an artist technically. See Norman always said you needed an artistic person and you did."

"I guess I did. Yeah, you were right." He kisses my neck. We talked the rest of the night I ate as much as I could it was seriously good. I feel overfull I feel like I'm going to be sick. I took a couple of painkillers hoping that'll help. I thought that I was feeling better but I must have been fooling myself. We said our goodbyes and I was surprised Asia gave me her number, kissed us goodbye, and headed but to our hotel, we were sitting in the back of a taxi when I felt Norman's hand on my leg.

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