Chapter 48

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Cruise to Destiny

Part 48

Rosanna POV

The next day Thursday

I woke up the next morning and I don't think he's worked my pussy over so badly before but I did want him to be rough with me, hell woman you know he's huge and he's supposed to be careful but from the ache between my legs, I'll be feeling it for a few more hours. I look over and see my husband and he looks beautiful in the morning light. I gently and quietly get out of bed and head to the kitchen I feel like we need food, so I grab Norman's shirt and decide what to make and decide on a vegetable frittata, while that's cooking I check my emails as Shadi said he'd send the photos and I got a few emails one I don't even know how they got my address and Shadi's photos I look at them and I'm stunned I'm stunning I understand why Norman says I'm beautiful because these are exquisite. And I look at the other email and am tempted to just delete it without opening it do I want to know what it says?

Rosanna and Norman, I'm not expecting either of you to read this but it was suggested that I needed to apologize to the people that I've hurt by being selfish, I wasn't thinking of either of you when I accepted that woman's offer, all I was thinking I didn't want to destroy my career as I've done some things I'm not proud of but in the industry, I was in, you do what you have to do for fame.

I never thought about you and your family, and if I've hurt your family I'm sorry for that, Rosanna he's a good guy.

I'm responsible for the decisions that I have made no one but me, I don't think I'd have ever been able to forgive myself if something happened to you Norman from the drugs I gave you and that was a possibility if I overdosed you and you never deserved that neither did your daughter deserve to lose her father or Rosanna your husband.

Norman, you weren't to blame for me harming myself that was entirely on me.

I wish I'd said no then maybe we'd still be friends I would've loved to have met you Rosanna and your daughter as I'm sure Norman must think the world of you and your daughter.

Maybe in time sometime in the future, you both might be able to forgive me for the things I did to both of you. But at least now I'm deeply sorry for what happened.


I'm sitting there and I understand her need for forgiveness I needed that for what I did when I didn't tell Norman about Destiny, but I'll let Norman decide that, she was probably made to do it but it sounded sincere. But I put the phone down and decide I need a distraction I put my iPod on and choose my favorite album, 'A Beautiful Lie' then I check on Destiny and she's sitting up in bed with Eye. "Hey beautiful, what are you doing? Playing with kitty? Why don't we go see what daddy's doing?"

"Da Da Da."

"Sweetie did you just say Da Da, oh you're so smart." I pick up Destiny and we walk into our bedroom I'm a little shocked and cover Destiny's eyes as Norman has thrown the covers off him and he's masturbating.

"Oh, fuck babe I didn't expect you to come in."

"It's okay you want to finish up and breakfast is nearly ready." I turn and walk out the door. "Didn't you get enough last night babe?"

"Of you, no fucking way babe woke up you were missing and had a hard cock that wouldn't go down."

"Well, sorry had the urge to cook so I did, and your daughter's so smart." I watch him put him back in his sleep pants and I leave the room I didn't mean to disturb a happy fun time with George. I put Destiny on the ground and wasn't surprised when I felt Norman's hand on my ass. "Hey, no touching the merchandise until I've eaten."

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