Chapter 54

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 54

Rosanna POV

June 28

I am rather excited we're back in Italy for Balthazar's Fourth of July party, Norman said that he had a nice time last time though that could be because of who he was with we had a nice time earlier this year. I asked Norman if we could go to Milan as I'd like to update some of my clothes. I want to look decent I've never met Balt and his family, but I know Norman loves them I think he said he's their youngest godfather.

I had to update everything I've been trying not to but I can't ignore it anymore I just don't fit in anything anymore I have lost so much weight I've gone from 130 pounds to 110 pounds I'm trying not to lose weight but it's just a fact of my life now. Weirdly, I'm so light now Norman can pick me up and the wall has now become an extra place where we can have sex. Norman thinks I'm putting too much pressure on myself about meeting them.

I took Destiny and we went shopping for the essentials well what I thought we'd need. What do you wear to a four-day party? Yeah, I have no idea but I ended up at Buckhead, I decided to get my hair done and do some clothes shopping I picked out a strapless blue dress as Norman said that they have a formal dinner I think that'll look good, and a couple of other dresses then decided I needed shoes and new underwear then we finally headed home.

"Hey, babe so how was your day? Wow, I love the haircut babe." Norman walks up to me runs his hand through my hair and kisses my neck. "Very nice babe."

"Thank you, babe. Want to help me Norman." He carries everything inside while I carry Destiny.

"So, do I get a show of what you got, or do I have to wait?"

"Nope, you sir will just have to wait and see what I got. Though I did get some cute clothes for Miss Destiny I'll show you. But I think you'll love my dress it's blue I don't know why but I love blue, so maybe you could get a new suit while I'm shopping but you look amazing in blue too. It won't be too matchy-matchy will it?"

"Maybe but fuck anyone else babe as long as you're happy and why does anyone's opinion matter?"

"You think they'll like me? I want your friends to like me."

"Yeah, I think they will. They're just like us."

"You're funny, I'm not like you. I'm your opposite, that's probably why we're perfect together, you're an extrovert I'm an introvert, you're loud I'm quiet." 

"Not in bed you aren't you little screamer."

I was surprised when we saw Leslie she's not been feeling too good of late hopefully she'll be able to look after Eye for us, Norman's worried I swear that man's attached to his cat but then again so is Destiny she loves him.

"Guys I think I need to tell you something. I don't know how to tell you but I'm pregnant."

"Oh, sis. So, is this good or bad news?"

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean it's my child or in this case children, I'm having twins. I don't know if I can have these but I want to. Not exactly how I saw my life as a single mom, hell I haven't even told Mom."

"Hey mom'll be happy you know she loves babies. Isn't that right Norman? It takes some pressure off us to have more. We'll help you honey anything you need, that's all we want to do, I can't believe I'm going to be someone's aunty. May I?' I reached out and touched her non-existent belly. 

"So, you guys don't think I'm being silly, I know how they were created but I couldn't terminate them."

"I understand that I was the same when I found out about Destiny, I was scared that she might get sick and I'm glad that I didn't I couldn't imagine my life without her."

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