Chapter 17

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 17

Rosanna POV

I woke up and found Norman in my bed I smiled at the memory of what we did last night, I must say when I think about it I was lucky to have him take my cherry and I'm so glad that I let him and held off until I met him.

"Good morning soon-to-be Mrs. Reedus. Do you want breakfast babe? Then I'm going to leave. I know I can't see the dress but you know I'm going to marry you beautiful. Don't doubt I'm marrying you for any other reason other than that I love you, Destiny yeah she's just the cherry on top." He kisses me. "I didn't expect to get married but then I met this sexy baker."

"Yes, I am. Babe, I'll order breakfast later. Well mister sorry to love you and leave you but you need to go I have to go look pretty."

"I guess you're done then beautiful." He heads to the bathroom when he finishes he kisses me I'm lying in bed watching him. "See something you like babe?"

"Very much I love that body I'm very lucky to have such a sexy husband."

"I'm not sexy."

"I think you are. Should I be worried that I'm marrying you? I mean you have some rabid fans Norman I know the day of our wedding's kind of the worst day to discuss it but it's an honest concern."

"Babe I'm hiring Cookie all the time you'll like him."

"Do I need to worry that they might hurt Destiny or myself for being with you?"

"Babe, what is this really about?"

"I'm not made for this world of yours I just want to do my cakes and be your wife. That's it be what you and our family needs."

"You know that's why I love you. I love that you just love me for me. You'll be amazing I think but first my dear we need to get married or I'm going to have to have my sexy soon-to-be wife again."

I watch him dress and I'm not surprised that Norman pulled his phone out and took some photos of me then climbed on the bed again.

"Well beautiful I'll see you at home babe I thought that was private. Sorry for the secrecy but I only finished arranging everything yesterday and didn't want to stress you. Now I want you to relax."

"Can you take my suitcase with you?"

"Yep. Love you, babe."

He kissed me climbed off the bed, grabbed my bag, and walked out. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep but I know James and Jackson'll be here and then it'll be on like Donkey Kong. There was a knock on the door and I waddled to the door to answer it.

"Hey, the bride-to-be. You look exhausted what were you doing last night?" It was just James that's unusual.

"I got attacked by a Reedus."

"Nice. Couldn't resist him, could you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't James. So, what about you and Jackson? You two make it back to your room?"

"Yeah, we brought that twink back he was good."

"You sure you two are okay? You haven't shared a guy before. What's going on you still getting married?"

"Yeah, we just wanted to try him, and must say he sucked like a vacuum."

"Shit makes my night sound bland."

"Well, you fucked a Reedus."

"Yeah, he took my cherry."

"Ah, your anal cherry babe. Finally gave that up honey."

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