Chapter 68

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 68
Rosanna POV

"Hey sis, what the hell was happening there?"

"Oh, I am just marking my territory. Those women need to know that I'm back and I'll be taking back what's mine."

"What do you mean?"

"I want my family and my house back. I feel like an outsider at that place, Destiny hates me."

"She doesn't hate you."

"I had them last night and all she did was cry for that fucking bitch."

"Maybe she could see you were upset. She's only a baby honey and she didn't mean that."

"Yeah and don't even start me on Norman, he says that he has never been with anyone I want to believe him but I can't. How's that possible? I mean look at the guy how could he be happy and not getting laid he has to be getting it from someplace. If not, that bitch then there has to be someone else he couldn't possibly have waited four months the man's like every day Hilarie."

"True but maybe he didn't I don't know, but I do know that he hasn't been himself."

"Sure, he hasn't he doesn't need me. I wish I was that important but I'm not."

"But you're their mother honey."

"I'm not important I could disappear no one would care. It wouldn't be that hard to do Hilarie."

"So, you want your daughters to grow up without a mother? Which is what'll happen if you give up. Maybe you just need some space to get some perspective on what's happening. Tell your doctor all about this."

"I know I feel like I've woken up in a whole new life one I don't know and I don't think Norman understands he's so wrapped in his own life that's all he cares about."

"Rosanna, you two need to talk with each other. You shouldn't be pulling apart you need each other."

"Can't if I don't trust him."

"I understand that I do it took me a long time to trust Jeffrey after what he did but we do now."

"I want to but I'm so scared."

"I understand I do."

We arrive at the doctor's and Hilarie said to call her when I was done and we'd have lunch afterward.

"Welcome back Rosanna."

"Yeah been a while. Not sure why I'm here today."

"Want to tell me what's happened since December as that was our last appointment."

"Where do I start? I had a great Christmas my daughter's getting to the stage where she's starting to understand what that is. Then January my sister-in-law Leslie called me and asked me to come and see her I brought Destiny with me when I got there her abusive ex was there he'd beaten her up and was pointing a gun at us I heard him shoot and then I woke up in March, I spent the next month in hospital rehabilitating as the bullet shattered my vertebrae I finally got released yesterday and I'm here today."

"Well, you've had a lot happening of late. So how was your first day home?"

"Horrible. Nobody wants me there."

"I'm sure they do. Norman must be happy you're home and your daughter."

"No, he doesn't care he chose work over me not making sure I was okay in the hospital, and I know he's been cheating and probably still is. My kids as we're looking after my sister's twins and Destiny love their nanny and hate me all I want is for all of them to love me but they don't care."

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