Chapter 46

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 46

Norman POV

"So I want to know everything, Rosanna. What did the doctor say?"

"Well, due to my family's history I more than likely am at risk but I always knew that was a chance."

"So you mightn't have it though he doesn't know."

"I have it the results are just confirming it. I have so many of the symptoms it can only be that and there isn't much chance of survival only thirty percent Norman I never wanted to leave Destiny without a mom that's why I was going to get my tubes tied now I have just done to my daughter what I never wanted to."

"Babe you're worrying about this and it mightn't even be cancer, you've gone straight to the fact you have this and will die well it won't be because I didn't do everything to save you. I'll go broke before I lose you, Rosanna. Don't you know how important you are to me? I don't want to lose you not without a fight."

"I wish I had your positive thoughts Norman but I've been through this with Mom and my grandma I guess I should be lucky Destiny's so little she won't remember me if it's terminal."

"God, you're a downer."

"Well, I watched my mom become a skeleton of her former self and my grandma too. I don't think I could cope if she had to watch me as well,"

"Rosanna we'll get through this. Just like we have everything else. I'll talk to the producers and tell them that I'm not available for work and I won't be doing any conventions except maybe Atlanta seeming it's close by. The movie I got cast in I'll ask to be let go."

"Now see I'm fucking up your career, I won't have you doing that. You're going to do your job just as you're supposed to and what movie you never said you auditioned for a movie."

"Rosanna this is not up for discussion I can't possibly work with you being sick. Oh, it was a movie called Midnight's Lair."

"No, you have to do that what part please say the hero, not the hotel owner. I'm tired of seeing you die."

"It was the father of a girl in the cave."

"Norman we're talking about things that mightn't even happen please don't say anything until the results come back. I honestly don't want to destroy what you've spent twenty years creating because I'm sick. I mean it'll be bad enough that I'll have more scars and I'm going to drop weight like you won't believe, so I'll never look like I used to hell I don't now. I don't want you to hate me because you can't work because your wife's sick."

"Rosanna let me decide my life. We're getting a nanny to help you, and a cook whatever you need even a nurse if you need one. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"But you can't promise that. I know we vowed to stay married in sickness and health but I can't give you that."

"Well, if that's your attitude. You're giving up Rosanna but that's your choice. I'm not going to give up until the last breath leaves you."

"I know what that'll be like if I'm lucky I might survive but I've never been that lucky."

"Well, I think you'll be fine, and if not we'll deal with it as a couple as we should. We have so many people that'll support us we just have to ask them."

"I know and I should let them but that's just not me. I don't want to be a burden. I hate being a pain in the ass. It's bad enough I'm not working now I won't be able to work."

"When have I ever said that you're a burden? That's in your head. You're my wife and I like you staying home I'm sure Destiny likes you at home too."

"I must say I do like being a mom. I didn't think I would but I honestly don't want to ruin your career please don't put me above your job. Norman because you're at the height of your career."

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