Chapter 37

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 37

Norman POV

I finally got around to talking to Mom and explained everything to her, she said I was an idiot for almost ruining my marriage. That I needed to do better, she's right I do. I haven't yet told Rosanna what's happening but I also haven't talked to Cookie about what's happening so don't know what he has been doing. I've been watching Rosanna she's been watching television, I go to have a shower come out, and hear the following.

"Fucking lying piece of shit."

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"Well, the 'news' is saying you're in a relationship with her."

"I'm sorry babe."

"Well, I was thinking maybe we should give them something else to talk about. How about you taking me out to dinner? Come to think of it I don't think we have since well forever. If you ever did, what you say you, me, and dinner somewhere?"

"Sounds good."

"Well, in that case, babe I'm going out I need something to wear for tonight." I watch her get up and walk to our room.

"So Destiny, who can we get to babysit? Maybe Ming?" She smiles at me. "Yeah, you like your big brother huh?" She smiles at me again I call him up.

"Hey, Dad."

"Hi Mingus, how are you?"

"Good, just the usual school. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over and babysit your sister?"

"Of course, Dad. Can we talk when we get there?"

"Ming, is it about those pictures?"

"Yeah, are you and Rosanna breaking up? That's not fair to Destiny as she deserves a family."

"Ming, the pictures weren't real, I mean they're me but it's not what you think. No, we aren't breaking up. I love Rosanna. I don't want Destiny to grow up as you did."

"Hey, I'm a well-balanced man. Good because those pictures looked bad even mom thought that but she said there must be a good explanation for why you did it."

"It's a con job Ming and we can talk about this more when you come over at six?"

"Yeah, that is good. See you then. Bye, Dad." We hung up as I watched Rosanna step out.

"Hey, Dest, who's that pretty lady? Your mom? No way she must be an actress she's so pretty."

"You, kidder I'm not but thanks I could be a while. I'm looking for a dress and shoes and I might get my hair done."

"Well, I look forward to seeing it, babe. But come here first." She walks over to us kisses me and walks away.

"So, missy what do you want to do? Photos? Yeah, let's take some pictures of my girl." We walk into her room to get changed.

Rosanna POV

I am not sure where I'm going.

"Hey, Mrs. Reedus? How do you feel about Norman and Diane having an affair?" Don't answer them that's what Norman says.

"So, no answer you look, sad honey."

I smiled at them and caught the next taxi. I was heading to New York vintage when I said I had no style I do it's, just retro as my mom used to wear. I kept some of her clothes as she was a clothes horse and kept a lot of her clothes from the eighties. I made an appointment and was lucky they had an opening, so I looked for a place to do my hair I decided just to get it trimmed, and thought I'd get some waxing done while I was waiting, I left the store feeling much better than before and more than a mommy.

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