Chapter 44

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 44

Rosanna POV

After a wonderful nearly month away with just the two of us, we finally got back to New York and back to our baby girl she's gotten so big now I was surprised when we saw her trying to crawl, and we were surprised when Leslie sat us down and told us what had happened while we were away.

"I'm sorry guys while you were away and asked me to stay here longer well I don't know what to tell you. Well, when I said that it was okay, I didn't ask Bill if it was okay but I didn't think he would mind you know."

"Sis, what happened?"

"Well, Bill came here. I thought because we hadn't seen each other for a long time and he missed me but I opened the door and..." Leslie starts crying and I walk over and sit beside her taking her in my arms.

"Sis, did he attack you? That's it I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Norman, you need to calm down. Leslie honey, what do you want to do? You can't go back there. What do you think honey she can stay here or maybe go ahead and stay at our house in Georgia?"

"That's a good idea babe. Leslie can you pack up and leave your home I don't want you to go back there."

"What about asking Cookie for help if anyone can protect her it's him, while she gets her things."

"I like that idea, Rosanna, Cookie'll protect you. I'll call him now and arrange it I want you safe and protected."

"I'm sorry Norman, Rosanna I didn't expect he'd attack me and rape me I just wanted to keep Destiny safe as she was nearby when he attacked me."

"Fucking piece of shit if I ever see him I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Did you go to the doctor? Did you want to?"

"No, it is okay he has done this so often I'm used to this."

"No, you shouldn't have to be."

"When things have settled down I will. I promise. But yeah, I need my things my work's at home I'll never be able to get a new job if I don't have them."

"Your big brother'll fix everything, sis. I'm calling my guy and he'll look after you." I watch Norman step outside and Leslie turns to me.

"So how was your honeymoon? It must've been good if you stayed longer."

"It was nice. I was ill for a while but I'm feeling better now that's kind of why we stayed a while longer."

"I was going to say you don't look so well, honey."

"Thanks, sis appreciate it." Norman walks back inside.

"Well, did you want to leave now sis? Cookie can meet you here and take you to Austin. But he'll have to leave you there after you have collected your things he's going to make sure that you get back on a plane to Georgia as I need him in San Francisco."

Cookie turned up and they left which just left Norman, Destiny, and myself we played with her then I arranged a light dinner I'm not hungry and still feel queasy I see if my doctor can see me tomorrow. We're staying here Norman asked what I was going to do this weekend as he was doing a convention in San Francisco and I said that I had to pack and wash our clothes from the trip then I'll probably repack so we're ready for us to go to Georgia. We then both helped bathe Destiny well I bathed her and Daddy had the fun bit of dressing a wiggling baby then we retired to bed, Norman tried starting something but I wasn't in the mood so we just snuggled together.

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