Chapter 18

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 18

Norman POV

I catch Rosanna just in time before she hits the ground.

"Come on Rosanna wake up baby."

I lightly tap her face but she's out cold. I gently place her on the ground grab my phone and call the company I used to fly here and arrange a trip back which they said they'd be ready in four hours. I go back to Rosanna she's breathing but I think she's asleep just in case I call the front desk and ask if there's a doctor available they said they'll call one to come to see us. I picked Rosanna up and carried her to the couch she moaned. I decided to leave her there and pack our clothes not that we unpacked, I got dressed and found something simple for Rosanna to wear. There was a knock on the door and I answered it after placing a blanket over Rosanna. The doctor came in and checked on my wife I explained what happened and he checked her over and said that she should probably be at the hospital to make sure that the baby she was carrying was okay. I told him I'll get her to the hospital as soon as I can, but I'd prefer her doctor to check her out.

"Come on baby it's time to go."

The hotel brought up a wheelchair for her as Rosanna was out of it.

"No can't move."

"Rosanna, James needs you come to work with me."

"I'm nothing but a bad luck charm. You should run away Norman before you get too involved. I'm horrible my dad died, my mom died, my cat died and Jackson I loved him and he died too. We shouldn't have gotten married that was so bad on my part. You'll die on me too."

"Snap out of it Rosanna. You want to think that then I can't stop you thinking that but you're wrong sometimes bad shit just happens."

"You aren't going to leave me too?"

"No, I just married you and I'm in this for however long I live babe."

"I'm tired of the pain and suffering I thought my mom was the end of all the bad shit Norman but it's not it's the start I know."

"Come on babe come back to me. Call James and see how he is. Find out what happened. I haven't called him I thought it best that you should. Honey, I can't imagine what you're feeling but I'm here for you babe let me support you and look after you."

"Please Norman I need to get home James needs me."

"As soon as you get dressed we'll be leaving we'll try again another time to do all this in a few weeks when you feel like it."

"I'm sorry babe."

"Honey nothing to ask forgiveness for. If it was someone special to me I'd be the same. Especially if it was Flanery or someone from the show I'd be devastated. I'm very sorry for your loss honey Jackson was nice."

"Can I have my phone?" I pass it to her and she's shaking.

"James it's Rosanna. I'm sorry honey I had my phone on silent. What happened? Oh, god how the fuck did that happen? Oh, god that's horrible. Norman said we're heading home, you need me more than we need a honeymoon. No, it's not up for discussion this was purely about sex James. We'll have one after Destiny's born. I'll see you as soon as we can. Stay safe love, you James. Don't even think that. Babe, please don't do anything rash okay I'll be there as soon as I can. Okay, love you too. Bye, babe."

As I watch her hang up when she does she starts crying.

"Rosanna, did you want to tell me about it?"

Rosanna's a mess between the tears streaming down her face and her nose.

"Well okay last night we went to a gay bar and we were having fun, James mentioned that he saw a guy that turned him on and you need to know James and Jackson they've been all each other has had for nearly ten years, but for some reason last night, they brought this fucking twink back to their room. God, I wish they hadn't. Well, they fooled around and James was telling me that Jackson had offered to give the guy a ride home so he did. I don't know the full details but somehow the guy got Jackson to come inside his home and when he did he attacked him killing Jackson. It's so unfair Norman, Jackson was a good man he didn't deserve to die like that."

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