Chapter 29

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 29

Norman POV

Destiny and I are waiting for Mommy to return, I sent her to see a psychiatrist I'm worried about her that she's not coping with everything, I know she's trying to cope. I don't know what's wrong with her, but I can't help her if she won't let me. I know she's bad.

"So, Destiny what are we going to do about mommy huh? Hopefully, the doctor start helping Mommy."

Destiny's sitting on my lap she's so like her mommy but with my blue eyes, it's an interesting combination. I think we need to talk I want to know what's wrong with us I know something's wrong she's been sleeping on the far side of the bed, admittedly Destiny's cradle is on that side so it makes sense, but I miss the closeness we used to have. I don't think that she dealt with everything, but I wish she'd talk to me. I might be able to help her if she'd only open up and tell me what's on her mind.

"Mommy should be home soon. Or better yet maybe daddy could get some food for her?" She smiles at me. "Oh, you like that idea? Yeah, Dad can cook but he's no mommy cook."

I make a couple of calls and decide to move the cradle back into Destiny's room I think we need some time alone Destiny'll be okay and if she cries we'll look after her. I called the restaurant and asked them for several items that I know Rosanna loves to be delivered and then called a florist and arranged for some flowers and candles to be delivered.

"Okay, missy you're staying in your room tonight. I want to show Mommy I love her."

I changed Destiny and put her to bed, I grabbed a script and started reading it as I waited for Rosanna to come home. I like the movie that I'm reading I think I might try auditioning for it. Then I heard a car in the driveway and found it was one of the workers from the restaurant dropping off the food I ordered, then a short while later the flowers and candles arrived but still no Rosanna I was starting to worry I tried her phone and she didn't answer then I heard her car in the driveway and waited for her to come inside. I watch as Rosanna walks in and I can't get a read on her, she looks sad.

"Hey babe, did you have a good session? Are you okay?" I watch her shake her head.

"Norman, stay seated I think we need to talk. Where's Destiny?"

"She's in bed. What's wrong babe?" I watch her sit down beside me. "How was the session babe?"

"Very good. Thank you for booking me in. I need to ask you something I hope it isn't true but I don't know."

"What do you want to know?"

"Do you love me? Will you be leaving me? Am I doing something wrong please tell me?"

"What makes you think I don't love you? I love you very much."

"You do? You didn't marry me because of Destiny, did you?"

"Oh, god no Rosanna. I love you so much, Rosanna. No, I didn't marry you because of Destiny, I wanted to make a family with you that's why we got married and I love you so much, babe. Leave you god no babe, I'm not going to leave you, babe. Are these things you worry about?"

"Yes, Norman I know you're going to leave me eventually and take Destiny away from me." I reach over and hold Rosanna's hand.

"Honey I'm not going to leave you. You know how I grew up and with my folks splitting when I was young, I'd never subject our daughter to the same thing I went through and I'd fight to stay with both of you. If we ever have a problem please I need you to talk to me. I'm not a mind reader you know I can't tell what you're thinking. See we're talking we aren't fighting babe. I just want to help you that's all. What else do you want to talk about?"

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