Chapter 74

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 74

Two days later

Rosanna POV

I'm so bored I find hospitals so boring I've been in enough and Italian hospitals aren't any different. The nurses got me up and moving but I let them I want to be out of here and back home. I've had visitors I was surprised yesterday when Rosetta visited and she asked me if I loved Norman as she saw how sad he was when he visited them, I told her that we're okay but we need to work on our relationship, I was a bit rude when I said that you had to forgive her husband when you found out he fooled around I was scared that he was doing the same thing and the way he was acting wasn't helping. I trust Norman that he'd never do anything to hurt me why I believed that I don't know. I'm sitting in bed reading from my iPad.

"Hey, honey." I look up and I am surprised who is there.

"James." I take my glasses off. "Why are you here?"

"Are we going to fight or talk?"

"I don't understand James you haven't wanted to be around me as a friend, you've been so mean since I woke up I'd never do that to you. When you needed me, I helped you but you treated me like shit. You wanted to kill yourself I helped you I didn't abandon you. You and Norman abandoned me. Why James why do that?"

"Norman said you wanted to talk to me if you're going to fight I might just leave."

"I want to know why? Is it too much to ask why you and Norman thought it was okay to treat me how you both did?"

"We didn't do anything. You were so angry with us and everything."

"Wouldn't you be? My husband was ignoring me, my so-called best friend was as well I needed to be looked after. I was so scared but you both went after me instead of supporting me."

"You never gave us a chance. As soon as you woke up you were angry with something but you wouldn't tell either of us what it was."

"I was scared that Norman was cheating. How could he not look at me? At least I thought that I don't anymore."

"You thought he was cheating on you? Was this what was wrong? Why didn't you just ask me or Norman? He would have told you the truth."

"Because how could I trust him or you? Neither he nor you were being nice to me, Norman was being a dick to me and you would've gone along with it."

"You think that I'd have told a lie?"

"Why not men stick together so why not stick by him."

"So why am I here?"

"I need you and miss you. You were my best friend."

"I still am but the choice is yours ultimately. I came because Norman said you missed me but this here isn't a person that's missing me, you're still angry."

"I'm hurt you hurt me James I'd never do that to you."

"Your attitude hurt me too, you wouldn't talk to me we've been friends forever and you didn't trust me anymore."

"I didn't think I could. I was so alone I still am I've missed you but I guess life isn't how it was anymore, we've changed I didn't feel important to you or Norman and I should be."

"Who said you weren't I know Norman spent as much time as he could with you but it wasn't enough for you. We decided to do you on a rotation I had the shop to oversee and Norman had filming so we each took a day we thought we were doing the right thing but it looks like we weren't. We can't just drop everything, though that being said your husband can make me as I did Rosanna I left the opening of the store to be here. If that isn't love what is? Do you want me here?"

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