Chapter 36

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 36
Norman POV

I wanted to hang the phone up, but I thought better of it.

"Hello Jackie, I thought you were someone important."

"Oh, I'm the most important person at this moment."

"Highly doubtful bitch. You better hope I never find you. Why'd you do this? Why not be a mother instead of trying to destroy another family? Rosanna did nothing to hurt you to deserve this."

"Yeah, she did. She had the baby I should've had, instead of not having one."

"What happened to your baby?"

"Well, because you just had to act all good and get the baby tested I went to the real father and he beat the baby out of me. So, because of you, my baby is dead. If you'd been like a normal guy instead of a dick my child would be alive, and I wouldn't have the damage it did to me."

"So, because the father of your kid beat you up, which I am sorry that he did that, doesn't mean my family deserves what you did."

"Yes, you did. I had nowhere to go. You deserve everything you caused."

"You're goddamn crazy. You better hope the cops don't find you I'll be going to them for what you did."

"Please don't Norman. No cops. We can make up something."

"No bitch, because of what you did, my wife and child have left here and I've no idea where they are because of you and Diane. If anything happens to either of them you better hope I never find you bitch."

"Are you threatening me? I'm pretty sure the general public would love that. They might also like some videos I have. Maybe I should show your wife I'm sure she'd like to see what kinky shit you used to get into." 

"Exactly used to but that's not me anymore."

"A leopard doesn't change its spots. You still love candle sex and being fucked. Does she fuck you?"

We haven't yet but I know that she wants to, but she doesn't know how to just ask me to fuck me. I think I'll I think we might like it but before I was very drunk all the more reason to get help.

"Not that that's any of your business."

"I'll take that as a no." I hear her laugh.

"I think the pictures I have might just destroy you. I have lots of pictures what can I say you aren't the only photographer in our relationship though you never knew I was doing them. I have lots of cock shots."

"What exactly do you want Jackie?"

"What she stole from me."

"Hey, crazy bitch we weren't in a relationship we just fucked that's all that ain't a relationship we were friends with benefits and you weren't a very good friend to me anyway. I'd rather fuck a cactus than ever have sex with you."

"Well, that's a damn shame everyone'll see naked pictures of you."

I forgot that Cookie was still here and he could hear me, he wrote a quick message telling me to keep her talking and ask her what she wanted again as he was going to tape it. I ask her what she wants and she like the stupid bitch she is says she wants me again. Didn't realize what effect I had on women I chuckled to myself.

"What's so funny? If not a relationship with me then I want you for a weekend. The little woman doesn't need to know and I'll give you everything the prints, the downloads even the camera I took them on."

Cookie holds a note and says yes tell her where to meet up here or a hotel room might be better.

"Okay you remember the oriental hotel where we stayed and spent a weekend there, I'll book us a room there what do you say tomorrow night?"

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