Chapter 11

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 11

Norman POV

I watch Rosanna drive away, she's pregnant with my child, and it's a girl I'm having a daughter. I need her to explain why she didn't tell me.

"Well, congratulations Norman." I heard Greg say but I'm not listening.

"Huh? What? Damn did you see that? Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant? I don't understand why she didn't."

"Maybe because you were an asshole. Maybe she heard you speak to the other woman and didn't want you to speak to her the same way."

"I wouldn't have talked to her like that. Rosanna isn't like that bitch. I wish she had. I need to see her."

"Dude you need to calm down."

I need to get to her house and find out what she plans to do, I'll be involved in this child's life seeming it's my child. I'm sitting at home and I'm not getting drunk that just fucks things up and I might screw up what I want. I'm patting Eye. "So, buddy what do you think do you think I should forgive her for not telling me about your sister? Yeah, and you mister you got to be nice okay." I get some meows from him and then I hear a knock on the door, I get up hoping it isn't Jackie and that she realizes that we aren't together anymore, I was surprised when I opened the door it was Rosanna at the door.

"Hi, can I come in? I don't expect you to but we need to talk."

"Understatement of the century Rosanna. Come on in." I watch her enter and walk past me.

"Please sit. Do you want a drink? Oh, that's right you can't you're pregnant."

"I thought I swallowed a watermelon. I don't want to fight, I want to talk calmly and rationally."

"Well, I wasn't expecting you to be pregnant I'm still a little shocked here. I don't understand why you didn't tell me, I could've helped you I've missed all the things a dad's supposed to help with. By the way, that other baby isn't mine but I want to be a part of this one's life. I should be angry that you didn't tell me."

"I didn't want you to call me a whore or any other things you called her. I chose that, that baby deserved a mom and dad, I know that I can raise Destiny on my own, my mom did it so can I. I didn't want to deny you her I wanted you so much but I'm not a homewrecker I didn't want a family split up because I fell pregnant."

"Why do you think I'd rather be with her than you? We have a completely different thing, I wanted to see where we went but you gave up on us. If it had been mine I would never have stayed with her. I would've wanted you, but you never gave us a chance. I am shocked that you thought that little that I would treat you horribly."

"I heard how you spoke to her and if you ever speak to me like that I don't know what I'd do it was horrible and I didn't think you could be so cruel as I did expect you to speak to me the same. You made your feelings abundantly clear about how you felt about being a dad I mean you got the snip so you don't want this child. Norman, Destiny, and I are okay we don't need anything from you, I'm more than capable of looking after ourselves."

"Just because I had the snip doesn't mean I don't want our daughter, I hate that you decided this without asking me all because I didn't want any more children. You seriously think I wouldn't want her but you're wrong I've always wanted to have a daughter but I honestly thought I was past having anymore kids and that's why I did it as I didn't think that I would meet anyone that would have another of my children, I thought Mingus would be an only child and I was okay with that. I want to try again clean slate. I understand why you did it, I wish you hadn't but I'm glad I know now. I want you to meet my son, my fur baby around here somewhere. Fatso is being a dick but we had a talk before you arrived and were talking about Destiny and he thinks it's cool. Not sure how he's going to go about sharing me, with you and her but he'll just have to get used to it. I want to be a better dad than I was to Mingus, I was a workaholic."

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