Chapter 65

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 65
Norman POV

I left the hospital I couldn't believe that Rosanna's back and a little out of it, I'm sure she'll improve when she sees Destiny, that little girl has missed her mommy yeah, I'm daddy but I'm not her mommy, she likes Melanie and Melanie's good with her, while Louise's cooking's amazing, but they aren't mommy. The drive home was good even the bad traffic couldn't make me feel bad, I pulled into the driveway and went inside.

"Daddy!" Destiny came to me and I picked her up.

"Well hello, princess. Daddy has wonderful news. Guess who woke up like a sleeping beauty." She shakes her head. "You don't know well Mommy woke up, just like the princess."


"Yeah, it's very good news. And we're going to go to see Mommy tomorrow."

"Mama yay." Destiny wanted to be put down.

"So, is she okay?"

"Bit disorientated but that's to be expected. I had to tell her about Leslie and everything, I don't know what she's thinking I hope she opens up to me. What's for dinner? I'm starving what did Louise cook?"

"Ah, I thought we'd wait until you arrived well I hoped you wouldn't be too long little Miss is starting to get hungry." I picked up Destiny and followed her into the kitchen. "Well it is a chicken pot pie by the looks of it, I can make a salad, and did you want a drink?"

"Yeah, beer me. So, what did you girls do today? I brought a house today."

"Oh, wow Destiny honey did you hear that daddy brought you a house? So it would be nice if you decided to buy it. Destiny do you want to hear about your new home? How about some chicken huh." Melanie reaches into the refrigerator and pulls out a couple of beers, as I drink mine, and Melanie dishes dinner. "So, tell me all about the house you and James must've liked it. Do you think Rosanna'll like it?" The three of us sit down I put Destiny in her high chair.

"I hope so, I am sure she'll love it, the kitchen's nice Louise'll probably love it as well. Louise's almost as good as Rosanna."

"So, do they know how long Rosanna will have to stay in the hospital?"

"No, as long as she needs to, I just want her better and home but at least she's awake that's all that matters."

"True, I'd want that for Veronica too."

"How's Veronica anyway? What did my girls do today?"

"She's good she loves working on prep for the new season thank you so much. Since it was such a nice day Butters went with us as we went for a walk, the twins were very happy to get out of the house. Did you need me to stay tonight? I can if you do."

"No you go home your girl probably misses you."

"Yeah well thank you for dinner and I'll see you all tomorrow."

"You know what why don't you take tomorrow off as we're going to spend the day with mommy aren't we Destiny?"

"Well, thanks, boss. I have no idea what I'll do. Destiny be good for your dad okay see you in two days." Destiny gave her a hug and Melanie left.

"So, princess it's bath time for you?" I cleaned up and carried Destiny towards the bathroom then heard soft cries coming from my room. "Let's see who's crying." I open the door and put Destiny on the floor and walk over to the cribs. I found Althea crying. "Hey, what's wrong baby doll? Hey, when did you learn to roll you are getting so big." I reach down and pick her up I think Rosanna'll love these two they're so easy to love. "Guess what happened today Mommy woke up. You and your sister are going to meet Mommy tomorrow she'll love you as I do. Oh, yuck Althea how do you get milk to smell like that? Is that the problem huh? Okay, Daddy'll fix you right up." I change her diaper and place her back in the crib I look at these two and can see lots of my sister in their features which means they match me. "Althea I'll be back got to bathe Destiny, come on sweetie what are you doing getting naked?" Destiny has learned to undress herself and is trying to undo her diaper. "That's okay babe I'll do that." I heard my phone ring taking it with me. I started to run the bath and place Destiny in it I called James, while Destiny's splashing in the water.

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