Chapter 32

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Cruise to destiny
Chapter 32

Two weeks later

Rosanna POV

I decided to let it drop though what the medium said has made me mindful of what is happening I wanted to call James and tell him what she said but he needs to figure his life out himself. We're heading back to New Orleans for the cruise part of me wants to be there another part doesn't as it's the anniversary of my mom's death and I don't know if I feel okay about doing this when I should be remembering her, but I'll go for him as he wants me to come with him and to bring Destiny with us. I sometimes wish we had family that could look after her but we don't so she's coming with us.

"Okay, you and Destiny were going to board with Hilarie and Nay while I get on later message me with the room number okay."

He kisses me and Destiny as we head to the immigration point it's so cute Destiny has her passport and is getting another stamp on it. We board and are given our room key and advised that the front pool has been made for the personal use of convention guests and their guests. The bellboy takes our bags and leads us to our rooms which happen to be all beside one another, great probably going to be stuck between two horny couples isn't that great. Norman and I are in a patch at the moment also I had some spotting from that session we had where he more or less hate fucked me, there's no doubt that he was doing that whether he thought I was myself or Cecelia I have no idea. I messaged Norman the room number and got a message from Hilarie saying to be at the pool in twenty minutes so I changed into my bikini and waited for Norman to arrive so I could give him a key I dressed Destiny in her little swimmers, Norman eventually turned up.

"Hmm, very nice babe I see you're in holiday mode already."

"Norman this isn't exactly going to be a fun trip for me you know. I'm just here because you asked me to be here. I'm doing my best."

"Babe, what's wrong? I know it's the anniversary of your mom's death but she wouldn't want you to be sad all the time it isn't healthy for Destiny to see her mommy sad." I head to the door.

"Asshole." I say under my breath I'll remind him of that if he's upset over his mom dying. "Bye."

I close the door and figure out how to get private pool area and we head there, when I reach there I order a drink and we relax and wait for the other girls to arrive. Eventually, Hilarie turned up as Destiny and I were in the pool.

"Well, look at you two I didn't think you'd be down here I nearly didn't Jeffrey saw me like this and well he just had to have me."

"Not in the mood for sex. This trip isn't going to be a fun trip for me I'm only here because he asked me to come not because I want to be here. I highly doubt sex will be on my mind."

"Are you two okay? You don't look good you know why don't I look after little Miss here and you two have dinner tonight or tomorrow night maybe you just need to not be parents for the night and you'll be fine. I remember how hard it was when Gus was born we didn't have much time as a couple."

"I know the worst thing I did was go to New Orleans two weeks ago if I hadn't then maybe we'd be okay."

"Honey, what happened?"

"Well, where do I begin? If I hadn't gone he probably wouldn't have left the hotel room, we wouldn't have run into an ex of his, he wouldn't have come home and hate fucked me thinking I was her, then I wouldn't have gone to a psychic and she more or less confirmed what the ex said. But Norman refuses to even look at the possibility that it might be true."

"I'm confused who are you talking about?"

"Cecelia, we ran into her at the same restaurant and she wanted to talk to Norman but he refused to listen to her. Then we came back to the hotel and he hate fucked me, I can only take so much now since I had the operation. I told him to stop as he was hurting me but he didn't listen I had to scream at him to stop he apologized for it. But he did hurt me a little bit. We haven't slept together since the following morning."

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