Chapter 67

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 67

Rosanna POV

I woke up alone in this bed I was hoping that maybe Norman might've snuck into here but who am I kidding he doesn't want me anymore hell the kids don't either he's made it so they don't know me. Yesterday was a disaster overall after bitchface left the girls with me, Destiny was crying out for whatever her name is, well isn't that just great she wants the nanny instead of her mommy but I'm her mother not that family-stealing bitch. I got out of bed and needed clothes as there was nothing in there I walked to I guess Norman's room knocked on the door and waited.

"Morning Rosanna what can I do for you?" He smiles at me.

"You can throw whatever thoughts are in your head right away and take that shit-eating grin off your face. I'm just here because that's where my clothes are."

"I see you haven't changed your mind on me then, have you? Still think I'm fooling around with the help?"

"Yeah, why not? I'm not here I haven't been in nearly three months you telling me you never looked at another woman bull fucking shit I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I'm surprised I didn't walk in on you two unless, of course, she's hiding. You can tell her to come out of the bathroom or is she too scared I'll beat her ass. If so she can have your cheating ass I should've left you after you fooled around with Diane."

"Ever thought about what I might be feeling or is everything about you?"

"I don't care what you're thinking you made how you felt about me coming out of my coma abundantly clear. Everything is about me at the moment. I'm the one who's been in a coma, I'm the one that nearly became a paraplegic, I'm the one you abandoned when I woke up so yeah, I'm the more important one about time you start to realize that. I don't care about how you're feeling, I'd care if you cared about me but you don't so what's the point of caring about you when you made me know how much you hated me? I'm your wife don't you get it I needed you and you left me all alone. Instead of putting me first, you put me last but you know good thing you didn't make me sign a prenup isn't it."

"What you are thinking of leaving me?"

"You don't want me here Norman so I might have to think about that."

"You know Melanie isn't interested in me right."

"Sure, she isn't she's just upset that I'm here. What's next for me to walk into the house finding you fucking her?"

"I like her because she's nice to me and the kids that's all there's no reason for you to think that she's trying to steal me away from you. She's nicer to me than you are you've been so mean and cruel these past few weeks I don't recognize you."

"Sure, there isn't she's been in this house with you alone something I never wanted before I got shot. I'm fucking useless my kids hate me, you hate me it's all their fault. I am angry you don't get it, I don't want or need those bitches here but you won't listen to my concerns it's like I don't matter. I AM THEIR MOTHER OR ONE OF THOSE KIDS' MOTHERS SO MY OPINION MATTERS! I hate you so much Norman."

"Oh, so the fact she fucks chicks means nothing. No, it's not their fault it's yours Rosanna you're making this to be something it isn't."

"Sure, she does there's no way that's true you're just saying that to cover your ass because I don't believe you."

"Rosanna it's too goddamn early for an argument but if that's what you think get your clothes and fuck off."

"Oh, maybe I should fuck off and leave your ass, you're such a jerk. You're so mean to me I need to have faith in you at the moment I can't until that bitch leaves."

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