Chapter 27

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 27

A week later 

Rosanna POV

I am finally being allowed out of the hospital but the doctors want to keep an eye on my blood and make sure everything's going the way it should. However, I'll need to come back as they said the operation has left scar tissue inside and could cause problems later on. Man, who knew having a baby could be so bad? I'm just waiting for Norman and Destiny to turn up, she was able to go home three days ago I've missed so much. I need to speak to someone. I know I'm her mom but I don't feel like she knows me. I have seen her for a few hours these past few days I pump all the time so Norman has enough to feed her and he brings her in so she can drink from the source but I'm still missing out on the bonding time I should be getting I don't know how I feel about that. I'm sitting here waiting and I'm surprised when just Norman turns up without Destiny and I'm disappointed, I wanted to see her, and he comes to me and kisses me.

"Hey, babe. Ready to go home?"

"Yeah can't wait."

I get up and walk out saying goodbye to the nursing staff. I'm still sore and it hurts to walk though I'm determined to get out of here so I can pretend that I'm okay.

"Norman why isn't Destiny here? Why didn't you bring her with you?"

"Oh, Leslie and Mom are at home and she was asleep they said don't wake a sleeping baby and that they'd look after her while I went to pick you up."

"Oh okay. I would've liked to see her Norman."

"You'll see plenty of her when we're home." But I wanted to see her now I miss her I only see her for an hour or so the past couple of days. I bet she's forgotten her mom.

"I guess so."

"You guess so? What's wrong babe I know something is. Have I done something wrong? If so what is it?"

"You wouldn't understand how can you, you're not a woman Norman and I don't know if I can explain it to you."

"I'm going to organize someone for you to talk to. I'm worried about you and you don't or won't tell me what's wrong."

"Fine, you want to know what I'm thinking. I don't know if I'm Destiny's mom okay? How can I possibly be she doesn't know me? I feel completely useless and I know I am. I have no connection to my daughter how is she supposed to know me?"

"Babe you'll always be Destiny's mom. She knows you are."

"All I am is food if I'm lucky she knows I love her but I don't know how she could. I've hardly seen her these past few days."

"You want to bond with her? Well, you'll in time you're way too hard on yourself. Mom and Leslie'll head home soon and she's all yours and she'll bond to you."

"It shouldn't be this hard it's supposed to be easy, have a baby then look after it I haven't been able to look after my daughter. I highly doubt she knows me." We eventually get home and I climb out of the car and head inside.

"Hey Destiny look who it is that's mommy." I looked at her and she looked like a happy baby.

"Honey sit I'll look after you." Norman helps me sit down and puts my bag away.

"She's a beautiful baby girl you guys did well."

"Oh, no she isn't me she's all him."

"Norman had snow-white hair when he was born not dark like hers, though that being said Mingus had dark hair too when he was born and it turned white like Norman's so we'll see. Did you want to hold her? Stupid question of course you do."

Cruise to Destiny Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora