Chapter 15

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 15

Norman POV

I kissed Rosanna goodbye and touched her belly I told her to relax as I knew she was stressed out I should've just told her where the ceremony was as it's in our backyard but I wanted to surprise her and it's private no paps so I'm glad. I just hope she's not mad at me she didn't seem too happy about me moving her things. Then people today I knew they were coming maybe I should start telling her when things are happening so she's not surprised all the time.

"So Reedus old buddy old pal of mine why the hell did you finally decide to get married, I mean you were a confirmed bachelor 'Oh I'm never getting married. Guys that get married are idiots.' So, what happened are you marrying her because of the baby right?" I can't believe Flanery would think that I love Rosanna I didn't expect to but I did.

"Well, douchebag a guy can change his mind, can't he? I don't think guys that get married are idiots I just hadn't met the right woman and Rosanna's the one. I'm not marrying her because of the baby. I mean I've sped it up because of it but not the whole wedding. I wanted to give Rosanna a family she has no one else, her family's all dead." I want to be the family she needs, James is good to her but he's not family, Destiny and I we're her family.

"So, brother we're heading to your place for food and drinks then on to Clermont lounge I won't let my brother get married without seeing random chicks' tits in his face before he gets married because after two days Rosanna's are the only ones you're ever going to see."

"Don't have a problem with that Sean I love her boobs seriously she's a nice person okay, I didn't tell you she's pregnant because I didn't want you thinking that she's using me, fuck Flanery she doesn't even watch the show you know how special that is? She just likes me for me."

"Man, I knew there was something wrong with her."

"No, she's a great person she's looking really good now, gaining the weight that she lost."

"Man, you're in love aren't you all those other times no. I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks, I honestly have a sense of calm when I'm with her. I don't have to wonder what her angle is. What does she want from me? Flanery, I was wondering if you wanted to be Destiny's well one of them her godfathers?"

"I'll be its cool godfather."

"I don't know Rosanna's friend James is pretty fucking cool." I understand why she loves him, he's a very cool guy.

"So, who else is her godfather?"

"Haven't decided between Greg or Andy. But seeming she's our only baby maybe both. So, it's you, Greg, Andy, and James but haven't thought of girls yet, I'd like Mel and my sister Leslie but after that maybe Helena, Rosanna seems to like her."

"Man, you two have a weird relationship but good for you that you can forgive her for the shit she did to you."

"Took a long time but I like where we are."

We arrived at the restaurant and more of my friends are there damn I have a lot of friends. We had an open bar and the chefs looked after us, hopefully, a preview of our wedding day as they were doing the catering. What I didn't expect was presents as there's a table set up.

"Okay everyone got a drink because I'm going to do a toast then it's gift time it's your last hurrah Reedus. Bro, I've known you for fuck me too fucking long eighteen years and well I must say I've always wanted you happy. I honestly thought damn you ain't getting married but Reedus you surprised me. I'm glad for both of you. I want to toast my brother and all the happiness in the world."

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