Chapter 30

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 30

Six weeks later

Norman POV

"So, it should arrive tomorrow at ten, right? I need it here tomorrow. So, you're dropping it off tomorrow at my address. It's a Christmas present."

"Well, sir I hope she likes it. I must say haven't seen anything this sweet and I've delivered a lot of very cool stuff."

I have been trying to figure out what to give Rosanna as our first Christmas together. So, I spoke to Clark and Flanery about what they did for theirs well Clark's first Christmas with his girlfriend, I've never had a wife before. Finally found it just over a week ago and knew it was what I wanted to get when I asked the guys what I should get her they said jewelry but Rosanna doesn't wear much just her rings, necklace, and a watch both of which were her mom's, so I decide on something else I wanted it to be special something that she'd use and love, I think I did well. It's turning up tomorrow that cost me an arm and a leg for it to arrive in time for Christmas. Helena and I agreed that I could have Mingus this Christmas for the whole day as normally we share the day but we're going to be in Hudson Valley, I want our first Christmas as a family to be special, either way, it'll be, never thought I'd be married to a newborn but fate has a funny way of stepping in and changing your plans.

"Rosanna, are you and Destiny ready? Ming come on dude, at least Destiny has a reason she can't do anything. We got to go."

I look at my two favorite girls and life couldn't be better, Rosanna and I haven't slept together yet but we've done everything but that, I think she's a little scared that I'll hurt her but I never would.

"Yeah, we are, aren't we Destiny we have a clean bottom and a full belly, where are we off to Daddy? I thought we were spending Christmas here?"

"No, I want a white Christmas for us, I thought our first Christmas together should be special."

"Well, you better take that present for yourself and the bags next to it are for Mingus and Destiny the rest will have to wait till you get back."

I pick up a long box with a tag on it that says, 'to my dearest husband Merry Christmas your ever-loving wife' I wonder what it is I know she didn't spend my money so she's kept it a big secret which is a surprise as she normally can't keep a secret to save herself, though she's good at keeping the show's secrets.

"So, what did you want for Christmas dinner? It's been a while since I cooked Christmas dinner last year, Mom wanted dinner at a restaurant as she didn't want to cook, and before we never did Christmas dinner seeming it was Mom and me. Maybe when Destiny's older then we can do the whole turkey, stuffing, and all the sides."

"Babe I got us some Chinese BBQ duck and maybe you can do either your amazing Macaroni and cheese or mashed potatoes I'll be happy with that and what do you think you can whip up dessert-wise?"

"Ah my mom used to do trifle, I just need pound cake, cream, custard, jello, and whatever fruit you like."

"Fuck, I swear I'm gonna get so fat living with you, I better keep working huh."

"I love chunky Reedus he's very cute."

"No fat me was not pretty."

"I thought you looked very good in SVU, I'd fuck you."

"I'll remind you of that when I stop working and get fat."

"Good thing you'll have a baby to chase around huh? Destiny'll keep you on your toes."

"True I bet she will."

We reached the house after we stopped picking up the necessary things for the next few days. I wasn't surprised by Rosanna's reaction.

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