Chapter 63

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 63

Norman POV

Two days later...

I'm collecting Mom today as she has been given the okay to go home. I took her and Destiny down to meet the babies which broke her heart she doesn't know what to do as these two need someone looking after them but I have the wheels in motion as I saw my lawyer yesterday and started the process for Rosanna and me to become their adoptive parents since Bill's parents are dead and I think mom's too old no offense to her. I know Rosanna would want to look after them, they said seeing they're orphans and my family it'll make the process easier but I'll need to have the house set up we need a new house as the one we currently have can't fit another two in it. I hope Rosanna'll like my taste maybe I'll get James to help as I know a gorgeous kitchen's all she wanted. But at the moment she isn't awake yet they took the drug that was keeping her asleep out of her system I'm hoping she wakes up soon but the doctors don't know if her sleeping is good they say as she's not moving and it helps her heal faster. The news of what happened was everywhere I swear I'd like to know what God I pissed off and kick their ass.

I brought Mom home and we had to start planning Leslie's funeral, Mom doesn't know what she wants and neither do I, James offered to help seeming he's done one before, he has been a godsend no wonder Rosanna loves him. We made some calls and they started working out a plan for the service.

I left Maryanne and Destiny at the house I don't think ICU is the right place for a child until mommy wakes. I walk into Rosanna's room and she's still asleep so I do all I can which is hold her hand and talk to her tell her everything that has happened and while I'm sitting there I start searching for a home for us I'm looking at one when there was a knock on the door and it was Andy and Melissa.

"Hey honey, how are you doing? Anything you need us to do? How's Rosanna doing?"

"She's sleeping we don't know when she'll wake up we're just waiting the doctors think it should be soon but who knows."

"You know she's a fighter Norman, she'll come back soon. What about everyone else? Norman you're important too."

"No, I'm not I just want to look after the kids, mom, and my wife."

"No Norman you're important too. So what's happening to the twins?"

"Oh we need to name them I'll have to speak to Mom about that we don't even know what Leslie wanted to name them she said she was keeping it a surprise. Those girls don't deserve what happened to them losing their mom, I can't let them lose their auntie as well."

"Why don't we have a look at names? Did Rosanna like any names?"

"I remember she mentioned that she liked Isabella."

"What about that as a name for one of them? And maybe Leslie as a middle name."

"Hey, Rosanna what do you think Isabella Leslie huh honey? You think that might be a nice name?" She doesn't move, though her eyelids do move. "Guys, did you see that her eyes moved? Okay, babe so we'll name one Isabella Leslie, anything else you liked babe? Okay, we'll figure out the other one."

"Norman if you need anything and I mean anything be it a meal or a break."

"I think I'll need a nanny, especially when I bring the twins home I know how Rosanna felt about having one but I need help. I don't know what I'm doing guys I'm just going through the motions. Days like this I wish I smoked."

"Well, it's better that you don't. Why don't we look at names." Andy said goodbye but Melissa and I were searching. "What about beautiful names from the twenties?"

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