Chapter 57

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 57

Rosanna POV

I found a place for us to stay for the next couple of days, finished packing Destiny and my things, and left Destiny in the room I quickly walked to the car and put the bags in it, then went back to get Destiny not before leaving a note telling Norman where we were going and that I hoped he would be joining us there. I am sure he will he loves me I know, he'd never pick his friends over his family I hope he doesn't. I picked up Destiny and we headed out of the house and into the car heading to Villa la Borghetta I thought it looked nice admittedly it was the first place I tried. Ten minutes later I arrived at the villa and it was very pretty I'm helped to our room.

"So, Destiny you think daddy'll make the right decision by coming and finding his girls? You think he will me too I hope. So, what do you want to do wait for him?" She smiles at me. "Okay, we'll wait to see if Daddy comes to us."

Norman POV

I was collecting my things when there was a knock on the door, I wasn't in the mood to talk I just wanted to leave and go find my family.

"Dude can we talk please."

"No Balt you've hurt me so badly, you hurt my wife. I'd never do that I never have."

"I'm sorry Rosetta has been like this since you married her, personally if you're happy I'm happy but she thinks Rosanna's no good because I'm sure she has her reasons. I didn't want to help her but she offered something that has been missing for a while."

"Well, that's no excuse for trying to ruin my marriage."

"True I know but I'm a guy okay I was thinking with my dick it hasn't been wet in a well long time. It was either take her offer or cheat and well I don't want to lose my family."

"Just me lose my family."

"She wanted me to try testing Rosanna to see if she loved you, not unlike the others except for Diane, I think she liked her and still does. I didn't like Diane just saying, that Rosanna seems nice, I love that she's a fighter. I was impressed just saying. It doesn't excuse what we did."

"Diane was a fuck buddy, she wasn't serious, and when I thought I was in love with Helena it's nothing like Rosanna, Balt I miss them when they aren't around, and I feel complete when my girls are by my side. If that isn't love I don't know what is. I got to go I got a cab waiting."

"Norman can you at least let me drive you to where you're staying."

"Okay." Against my better judgment, I let him after paying the taxi driver that was waiting for me. It was a silent ride over as I think we've talked as much as we wanted to. "Thanks for this."

"Not a problem honestly I wish this hadn't happened I should've controlled the situation better I told Rosie to calm down and get to know your wife but I don't think would've listened to me if I said that."

"Can I ask why she was stuck on Diane?"

"I don't know maybe she wanted us to play around with you two I don't know but she needs to apologize to both of you as well. I'd like to apologize to your wife if she'd let me."

"I'd let her cool down. I might have a wildcat in my room, so maybe tomorrow night I'd suggest that you try and say you're sorry."

"She doesn't look like a wildcat."

"Oh, you'd be surprised she matches me hell Balt I thought it was a one-weekend stand but Destiny had other ideas. I didn't expect to fall for her but I did. She's not fat Balt she's perfect I wish she was bigger but she can't help being as skinny as she is."

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