Chapter 71

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 71

Rosanna POV

"Oh god, I've missed you Norman so much. But I can't come back I'm supposed to have surgery again in a few days. I need to have it done then I'll come back."

"Can you have it done in Atlanta?"

"No, I need it before I travel back I nearly broke my back coming here. But the doctor he's good. I can see him tomorrow. He says I need this done and maybe I'll get some resemblance of how I was."

"Well that's good babe, I was wondering did you want the kids to come and you can have the surgery here and the kids can be around you and you can learn to love them as I do, they do want you to, they need their momma."

"Am I their momma? I want to be what they need but am I?"

"You can be if you want to be, that's up to you. I know deep down you have enough love for all of us to show the twins. Come here babe, god I've missed you." I hear him sniff me in.

"Yes, Norman I want to babe. I've missed you too and the kids."

"Funny you should say that." I see him pull his phone out and put it away. "Rosanna come on sit down. By the way, the house looks amazing the decorator did well. You'll have to show me around." Then there was another knock at the door. "Babe I'll get that." I watch him get up, walks to the door, and step outside he left the door open as I got up and walked over to close it but first I looked outside and couldn't believe my eyes. He brought my family here, oh fuck what do I do? I look in the mirror near the door, do I look okay? I see Norman pushing a stroller and Destiny's walking beside him oh god she's grown up so much why haven't I noticed this because I'm selfish and only care about myself. I open the door fully and then Destiny sees me and starts running to me.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!"

I couldn't help it I dropped to my knees not caring if I hurt myself again and I'll go to the hospital if I do and held out my arms as she ran into them and hugged me.

"Oh, my big beautiful girl you've grown so much. Mommy loves you so much, I'm sorry mommy went away. Oh god, Norman how'd you do this? Why?"

"I was at a loss Rosanna, I thought maybe if I couldn't get through to you maybe the kids could."

"Destiny you're so big, no way that isn't Isabella and Althea? How old are they? Hang on let me see if I can figure it out they were seven weeks when I came out of the coma, I was in the hospital for another month and I've been here for nearly three weeks so nearly four months. Oh god, you two are so cute. Well hello, I'm your momma. Oh, Norman I can't believe you did this."

"I wanted my family all together again, now don't get mad but I brought Melanie here I needed her I can't look after three kids on my own I think you two need to get to know each other."

"Yeah, I should give her a chance she probably hates me I wouldn't blame her, I was so judgmental with you and her in general. Destiny baby momma has to get up." She climbs off me and I stood up.

"You should. I'll call her to come here since we're staying here for the time being."

"You think that's a good idea? I don't need tension, especially after the operation, all I'm supposed to do is rest and move slightly."

"That's up to you, isn't it? You need to give her a chance and get to know her damn name."

"Why'd I want to as long as I'm paying her she should come to anything I call her though I never talked to her just told her what to do."

Cruise to Destiny Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora