Chapter 38

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 38

Norman POV

Everything is coming together the cops have arranged a sting operation they'll be bugging the room where I'm meeting Jackie and I have to hope that she comes and offers me the same thing she wanted when she called the last time she wanted me god only knows why. I'm not that good, though Rosanna would disagree she's been making up for lost time, twice a day since I've been home and well up until today whenever Destiny's asleep. Yesterday we had an unexpected visitor James come to visit, he said that he missed Rosanna and Destiny and decided to shut up the shop for a couple of days since there weren't any orders this weekend. Rosanna and James have been talking about what I have no idea, every time I come into the room they shut up. I do wonder what surprise she has in store for me. While I think of it I must call Balthazar and ask if can we rent the Tuscany house for a few weeks from next week if possible if not I'll hire a place.

"Hey Balt, how's my bro doing?"

"Good family's good. What's happening with you, I saw those pictures did you leave your family for Diane if so congrats."

"Hell, no that's a long story though I wouldn't mix with her if I were you. Probably won't be able to she's in huge trouble. Dude why'd you be happy I fucked my marriage up?"

"I'm lost, what are you talking, about? Hey if you're happy I'm happy you looked happy in the pictures I saw. I thought you were getting back with her since you used to fool around with her."

"Well, I looked happy because she doped me up. Hopefully, she's getting arrested as we speak."

"Damn. Why I thought you two were friends."

"We were she said that another ex was blackmailing her to do what she did. Well, what I was calling about is can we, Rosanna and I hire your home in Tuscany, I was thinking of taking Rosanna to Italy for our honeymoon and was wondering if we could use the house."

"So, you're still with Rosanna?"

"Yeah of course I love my wife. Buddy, you can't talk I didn't cheat I was drugged, dude."

"Okay, you're right so you didn't sleep with her?"

"I have no idea she says no so have to trust her, I vaguely remember wanting her thinking, it was Rosanna but I don't think so." I can't believe he'd think I'd do that. "Balt I'll just find somewhere else to stay in Tuscany."

"Dude, you can use the property, are you coming to the Fourth of July party?"

"I'd love to, I'd like to bring Rosanna and Destiny."

"Oh, for sure I'm dying to meet the missus and your daughter."

"Okay so I, I mean we just turn up at the property, do we?"

"I'll call the staff now and arrange it when do you think you'll get there?"

"I have to talk to Rosanna to see when she wants to go but it'll have to be soon. I have to start shooting again."

"That's not a problem, I'll await your call."  We say goodbye and hang up. I was surprised when James and Rosanna, walked through the door giggling like school girls with a heap of bags.

"Hey babe, James how was your shopping trip?"

"Oh, nothing we just had a girl's day out didn't we James?"

"Yeah, we had fun. I'll put these in my room." James takes the bags off her and walks away.

"So, Rosanna'll you be okay with tomorrow night? I'm not going to sleep with Jackie."

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