Chapter 60

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 60

Rosanna POV

The next day

I woke up snuggling into Norman not unusual but today's special it's our first wedding anniversary we made it a year considering what this past year has brought us we're lucky to be together I think. I went to go get his present man I hope he likes it I don't think he will since it's not fancy like what he wears but I hope the meaning to it means he might wear it.

I went into my closet and searched through the drawer I placed it in thankfully finding it, I looked at the box and hoped I did the right thing, I should have just brought him one I know he spent money on me I've just given him something old that didn't cost money. I came back out and Norman was sitting up in bed looking sexy as usual and I got a sudden rush of juices down my legs.

"What are you doing sweetie? Got something for me, have you? So, have I." I watch as he leans over to his bedside drawers. "Hmmm, decisions what do I give my wife? Hmmm." As I watch him gather up all three boxes and place them on the bed. "Come babe present time."

"I can't give you yours, you've given me too much." I place the box behind my back.

"Honey please come to bed and what you got me how much you spent doesn't matter." I didn't spend anything. "I can't help it babe I overspend when I'm shopping for you but there are always so many things that I want to give you. I'm going to love it whatever it is because you got it for me."

"I hope so Norman." I climb onto the bed beside him. "Well, happy anniversary." I go to give the present as we swap and he hands me three boxes.

"You open yours, first I can wait to open mine." I start to unwrap the first leaving the bigger box last. The first was a pretty pair of angel wings earrings they're beautiful, and the second I was a little shocked by it.

"Norman is this a pussy?"

"Yep thought I'd give it so you could wear one of my favorite things about you. Though my favorite thing about you is right here." Placing his hand over my heart. "I love that it loves me as I am, all of me." He leans in and kisses me softly and tenderly.

"It's beautiful babe I do love it. It's quirky like you. I love your quirkiness."

"Well open your last one." I reach for it and it's heavier than the others I unwrap it and I can see the words, Cartier, on it and I know that means he spent a lot on me. I open the box and my breath is taken away it's a beautiful emerald and diamond bracelet it's exquisite.

"Oh, Norman you shouldn't have this is beautiful, I love it but I love you more. Thank you." I lean over and kiss him.

"Come on I've been a good boy can I have my present now."

"Of course, you can." I passed him the box and hoped he liked it. "Happy anniversary Norman I'm so glad you loved me enough to want to marry me, I'm so happy to be your wife." He unwrapped the box and opened it.

"Cool a watch babe." He takes it out of the box takes off the other one and puts it on his wrist.

"There's something I need to tell you about this watch. It has a history my grandpa got this watch on his wedding day from his dad when he married my grandma as he had lost the watch he had in World War Two, being Italian was hard enough having to start afresh he always wore it when my dad was old enough on his wedding day which was also the day before they left Italy to come here he gave this to him I remember dad wore it all the time, except the day he died maybe he knew it wouldn't survive the accident I don't know. But my mom kept it for twenty-six years until she died then it became mine. What I wanted to say is that I wanted you to have something that meant something to me, because you mean something to me you're the most important man in my life after my dad and grandpa and I wanted you to have this. I know it's not fancy or gold but I hope you can wear it occasionally."

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