Chapter 76

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Cruise to Destiny
Chapter 76

Rosanna POV

Two weeks later

I'm finally heading back to America, I've arranged for a chiropractor and a personal trainer to help me strengthen my back. Norman decided to hire a private jet since I needed space they have a bedroom and it could help my back he has been looking after me so well, we were only at the villa for a couple of days after I left the hospital. It has been nice being in the villa but it's good to be going home James says that we're re-opening the store when I get settled and Norman wants us to be there and to go into couple's therapy.

We boarded and settled the girls and relaxed as we took off the hostess was explaining to us what would be served and what the plane offered. I curled into Norman my back's feeling better so I'm happy that the operation was worth it. I felt Norman kiss my forehead I tilted my head and place his lips on mine.

"I am glad you're coming home. I'm going to show you the house and grounds like I should've when you arrived home."

"Norman, I didn't exactly make it easy for you I was well a bitch."

"We both fucked up I should've asked you what the problem was sooner but I didn't want to fight with you in the hospital if I had we could've dealt with your worries sooner and not let them fester."

"Yes, we both did but I'm glad you forgave me, you think we're able to get back to how we were when we met? You want to go to the bedroom and talk properly." I stand up and head towards the back of the plane, I take off my jacket, climb onto the bed, and hear the door close. "I wasn't sure if you were going to come?"

"Well, that would depend upon you. But seeming Melanie's here and looking after the babies what you say we stay in here?" I watch him take his shirt off. "You going to make yourself comfortable."

"I don't know I don't get comfortable when I see you without a shirt on, I get all tingly."

"You do huh? Maybe I can do something to help you." I reach behind and unzip my dress, shimmy out of the dress, and am laying on the bed in my underwear I reach under my brace and unclasp my bra and my smaller breasts spill out. "Oh, babe you're beautiful you know that."

"Even with my smaller boobs?" I cup them and rub my fingers over my nipples.

"Baby, yeah they might be smaller but do you think I care? They're still boobs and they're the boobs that fed my daughter and give me a boner over them so how can they be bad?"

"Come on baby come join me but strip first, strip baby I've missed you. I've missed you I've wanted you but I want you like we used to be please." I tap the bed and he quickly strips and climbs on the bed with me he looks like a wolf with his hair hanging over his eyes.

"I want that too Rosanna. But I don't want to hurt your back, I never want to hurt you, babe." He climbs between my legs making sure that he keeps his weight off me, he leans in and kisses me. Norman moves to his knees and slips his fingers in the sides of my panties and pulls them from me, I watch as he brings them to his nose and breaths my scent in. "Fuck Rosanna I kept a pair of your underwear with me when George was working I had watched some of the movies we made and I must say you're as sexy now as you were then, and you smell just as good." Why didn't I know this why didn't he tell me that he wanted me, I move my legs away from him and roll away from Norman, and he curls up to me. "Tell me what's wrong sweetheart."

"You should've told me Norman that you wanted me, that you loved me I should've trusted you. That you always wanted me." I felt his lips on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I've always wanted you, babe. Stay right where you are." I feel Norman wrap his arms around my body one cup my breast tweaking and rolling the hard nipple between his fingers the other snaked down my body and found my lips wet with the juices that were clinging to them. "So wet for me baby, I want you just like this." I feel him rubbing against me and he hits his mark as I open for him, he slowly slides in and thrusts slowly inside me. "Fuck Rosanna you feel so good wrapped around my cock. You think we can do this more often?"

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