Chapter 70

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 70

Ten days later
Rosanna POV

I am feeling better today than I normally feel but I'm nowhere near normal I may never be normal ever again unless I have the operation I'm supposed to have. I wonder how can I be. I've been replaced by a better version someone who can love my children and husband better than I can, I never stood a chance oh I'm funny. I have my swimming exercises to do the doctor here says I need to do this so I can gain muscles in my back and it's a gentle exercise he thinks I'm doing well that I've improved maybe I'm too hard on myself and can't see the improvement but he has promised the next round of surgery I need it'll help. I look at myself in the mirror and no longer recognize the woman staring back at me there are so many scars on my body, I take the brace off and walk over to the chest of drawers taking my green bikini out yeah, I can wear these if I'm not being looked at, who'd ever want to look at me ever again? I walk outside it's another beautiful day here in Tuscany, I walk into the pool and start swimming laps I eventually heard the alarm go off after an hour and I climb out of the pool and head to make brunch that's one thing I don't miss cooking I love being able to, I look at the photos on the table and I know I shouldn't it's all the things I've lost a husband to another woman and my children that don't know me and the one that does know me has forgotten that I'm her mommy in favor of a better version. I was taken out of my self-pity party by a knock on the door I walked over and opened it I was surprised as it was the last person I expected it to be.

"It's nice to see you, Rosanna. Can I come in?"

"Yeah sure. Why are you here?"

"I'm here because you abandoned your husband and kids to what? Go on holiday?"

"Hilarie, you've no idea what I've been through, but come in."

"No, I don't but do you know you left your husband and kids?"

"Oh, that's funny Hilarie, you and I both know he's replaced me by now probably with that bitch that looks after the kids. Why wouldn't he?"

"You think that? Then maybe you deserve what'll happen."

"Yeah, I don't think that I know that. He replaced me as soon as that bitch walked into our home, probably before I was even awake. I could tell I'm not stupid it was all a plan to make the dumb stupid wife healthy and then divorce her heaven forbid if he left an almost paralyzed wife for the nanny. So, I took myself out of the picture."

"You think he was screwing the nanny while you were in a coma?"

"Why the hell not I wasn't there. I was practically dead, and there was a good-looking woman I'm not blind. It happens all the time."

"Please explain when I came to see the kids and Norman, he was a broken man, I doubt he was thinking of sex, he just wanted you back and when you did come back finally you weren't you. Norman wanted to help you make your body better and then help that messed up head of yours because that's fucked up. You never even tried to accept his help. He was so happy to see you the day after you woke up."

"I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do. I'm doing exactly what the doctors tell me that's why I'm here so I can heal and get better without a woman shoving herself in my face and her relationship with my former husband and showing me how fucked my life is. Why do you think I'm here? So, I can get better. Which I am. Then I can move on with my life and maybe find a guy that won't cheat on me and love me."

"Cheat on you? But you don't know if he did you've just assumed he has. What about your babies? Don't you care that they miss their mommy?"

"Why would they? Destiny doesn't miss me, the other two don't even know me."

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