Chapter 58

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Cruise to Destiny

Chapter 58

Norman POV

Later that night

Rosanna and I are getting ready she asked me to wear blue to match her and I must say she looks amazing as usual. She's wearing a strapless midnight blue dress and matching shoes.

"Babe you look amazing. We better go once the babysitter arrives." Just then there was a knock on the door and the babysitter arrived we explained that Destiny should be okay and we headed off in the hire car to the Getty's home, I held her hand and helped her out. We followed others towards the back of the house into the grounds, I grabbed a couple of glasses of champagne, handing one to Rosanna and making a toast.

"Rosanna I'm so glad you're here. I love you so much."

"I'm glad you wanted me to come. You know one of these trips I'd like nothing to happen just to relax babe. But just being here with you makes it even hell pleasurable." We clinked glasses, drank, and then separated to mingle with the guests as I watched the last of the guests arrive I was shocked who was invited, did they lie to me? I watch Diane and Josh walking towards the other guests please don't see me.

"Now that's just poor taste. You know just ignore that woman. Or better yet show everyone how much you love me." She takes my hand in hers and squeezes it.

"Yeah, who cares about her fuck her."

"Ah, babe you already did that. I don't swing that way."

"So, you don't like girls, honey?"

"No, I love a big hard cock. Do you know the one that I could use?"

"Yeah, I do. I'm tempted to show you in one of these bathrooms." I lean in and lay kisses on her neck.

"Hey, love birds."

"Oops sorry, Milla. I just can't get enough of this man."

"Hey, it's okay I know how you feel I just have to look at mine and I feel the same. I love that dress Rosanna the color's gorgeous."

"Thank you but it's nothing compared to yours it's beautiful. Can we get a photo?" I took my phone out as they posed I kept one eye on Diane I didn't want her and Rosanna to mix. I walked away from my girl and went in search of someone that needed some explaining.

Diane POV

I couldn't believe it when Rosetta called me a couple of days ago to ask if I wanted to go to her Fourth of July party, I hadn't been there since Norman and I went a couple of years ago, I was such an idiot honestly never should've treated him poorly but we both knew what it was before we got together. I must say the sex was amazing even though Josh forgave me I still miss the feel of him stretching me out like he used to.

I was thinking that we wouldn't go as I had seen pictures of Norman and his wife around Tuscany, he still looks as good as he did a couple of years ago. I arrived in Tuscany we had booked a suite at Villa la Borghetta I was shocked when I looked outside this morning and saw Norman and his wife by the pool I looked away. Bitch as I look at the man sleeping in my bed it was easy for me to get him to take me back one suicide attempt and he was mine again. Rosetta said she wanted me to talk to Norman and that she thinks the woman's using him, who knows or cares I do miss what I had with him but I don't think he'd ever look at me I'm just going to network. Though the idea of trying to win him back does sound delicious. But hey if he was interested then who am I to say no to his big cock? I guess he and her will be going tonight, well I better find something to wear that will knock his socks off and maybe remind him of one of the times we fucked, and maybe just maybe I might get a nice big dick inside me by the evening's end.

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