48. Pierre + Declan = ????

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"Declan, stop stressing. It's not good for your health," Joshua told me as he watched me walk around in circles. An angry frown was present on my face and my hands were placed in the pockets of my jacket as I thought of what I was going to do with my life. "Here, have some coffee," my friend said, handing me one of the cups of coffee in his hand. I let out a sigh.

"Everything is falling apart," I told him and I grabbed the cup of coffee from him. I took a sip and felt the hot liquid run down my throat. "Pierre won't talk to me. I sent him a little text yesterday but he never replied to me."

"Relax, you'll see him today," he tried to reassure me and he drank some of his coffee. "You will talk and he will finally admit his love for you and everyone will be happy."

"I really doubt that things will turn out this way," I told him and he frowned. "I don't know...I...something is not right with him. I don't think that he will agree to talk to me. I'm sure that he will try to avoid me and I'm going to lose my mind if that happens...did you try to text him like I told you to?"

"Yeah, but he told me that he was busy," he replied to me hesitantly and I sighed in defeat before going to sit on the bench beside him. 

Joshua and I were currently at the park, having what we could call breakfast. Today was the day that we would all return back to school. Break time was over and we needed to get back to work. Was I happy about it? Totally not, but my love had completely cut me out of his world and the high school was the only place that I could see him.

I was scared and at the same time impatient to see him. I listened to Joshua and accepted to give Pierre his time to think but today, it was over. Him and I would have to talk and we would work things out. I knew that it would be hard for him as well as for me but I was prepared, even though the future was still a mystery to me.

My friend had decided to come and get me at my place on this early Monday morning and we went to buy some coffee along with some croissants. We decided to enjoy our little breakfast at the park before going to school. Having a scooter was really useful. We could travel around really fast in a matter of minutes.

"Joshua," I started suddenly, "What if Pierre emotionally pushes me away again?"

"Easy, I will physically punch him in the face," my friend replied and I gave him a look of disbelief. He shrugged, "What? He can't play with you like this. That boy needs to know his limits and you need to stop treating him like a king."

"He is the king of my heart," I informed him and he rolled his eyes.

"It's always you who do everything for him. It's always you who sacrifice yourself to make him smile and Pierre, the only thing that he has done is...nothing, that's it," he said and I blinked. "If you two start an official boyfriend relationship after today, I hope that it will change."

"I can't tell if you are supporting me or not," I told him with a frown and he chuckled. "And I also can't tell if we will be boyfriends at the end of the day. That seems too soon to think about."

"But you want it to happen?" he asked me and it was the first time that I smiled since so long.

"Yeah, badly," I replied and then I added, "But the only thing that I want right now is him telling me those three little words."

If Pierre actually said them, I would be the happiest man of the whole world. The only thought of it excited me. Would it really happen though? Would he look at me like I would look at him? Would he tell me what I wanted to hear? Would he do what I wanted him to do? Would he have the courage to do anything at all?

"I miss his lips," I told Joshua and he choked on his coffee. I let out a laugh as I watched him cough. I pat his back a little bit. "Don't be so surprise."

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