66. Special Kenny Night.

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Hi people! ^.^ I hope that you are doing good.

This little note is just to inform you that this chapter will be written entirely in Kenny's point of view. I wanted to do something like this since quite a long time actually and I finally did it. Though, it will only be for this chapter and the next one will go back to Declan's pov like it normally is.

Well, I must say that this particular chapter was really annoying to write. I don't know how many times I rewrite that thing and I really hope that you will enjoy it as it is right now. I tried my best.

On that little note, have a happy reading and I hope that you'll have a fantastic week!


I realized tonight that my older siblings were really screwed up in the head. 

I realized tonight that because of this, I would never be able to look at them in the same way.

And I realized tonight that no matter what they would do in the future, I would never be able to forgive them for what they did to Declan. 

"Do you want to take a shower, Kenny?" I was suddenly asked and I looked to the side to see Joshua. He was in his pajamas, his hair made into a messy ponytail as he stood near the door, his eyes staring at me.

"I don't really know," I replied honestly to his question and he sighed. He approached me and placed his warm hand on my shoulder. My body shivered immediately at the new contact but he didn't seem to notice the effect that he was having on me.

"I think that it's better for you to shower now," he advised me and he made a pause before adding with hesitation, "You still have some blood on you and you will feel better if you get rid of it."

His words hit me harder than I would have liked but I knew that it was not his intention to hurt me in any way. He was just worried about my well-being and I appreciated his concern. True enough, my hands and clothes were still covered with blood, Declan's blood. That little detail somehow left my mind for a few minutes but now that Joshua mentioned it, it was back on my mind again.

"I don't have any clean clothes with me," I said, feeling dirty suddenly and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"No worries, you can wear some of my clothes," he told me and he walked towards his wardrobe. He started looking through his clothes, in search of something for me to wear for the night, and I looked away from him, my attention going back to Declan.

My big brother was currently lied down in bed in Joshua's bedroom. He wore only his boxers as he slept soundly, the bed sheets covering half of his body. His chest and face were marked with blue and purple bruises and I wondered if he was feeling any pain right now. I just wanted to break down into tears while looking at him.

God, I still couldn't believe what nearly happened tonight.

He almost died.

Emile almost killed Declan in front of my very eyes.

I was fully aware that the relationship of those two was not the greatest. I knew that Emile hated Declan because he liked boys and I also knew that he fought with him a lot of times in the past because of this. He told Declan so many horrible things and he insulted him so many times, but I never thought that it would one day come to this. I never thought that Emile was actually crazy enough to try to kill his own brother.

Everything just happened so fast.  

One minute Emile was on top of Declan, hitting him at full speed and the next he was trying to choke him to death. Maryline and Stella didn't even try to stop him. They just remained on the couch, drinking wine, with no trace of worry on their face. It was like if nothing was happening. Me, on the other hand, I was terrified to death and I just did the first thing that came to me to protect Declan.

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