Bus Stop Definitions

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By consider_me_curious


When I was younger (maybe ten or eleven), my bus stop had two older boys that went to my school. Let's call them A and B.

At the bus stop, I couldn't hear their conversation, but I strained to, since I looked up to them at the time, them being older, and all. We finally got on the bus, and i sat way in the back, right across from them.

Their conversation was about either being gay or lesbian, and A said to me, "Are you gay or lesbian?" I had no idea what those words meant, so I asked, and B said, "Gay means you like boys, and lesbian means you like girls," which isn't the entire truth, but I believed them.

I said I was gay, since I liked boys at the time, and they started laughing. Looking back, I realized that they had purposely left out details in their definitions to get me to say I'm gay, but I don't think I'd change my answer.

They spread rumors about me, sure, but I didn't have any friends anyways, so it just didn't phase me. But I want to see those boys again, because the joke is on them: I'm gay! I want to see their faces when I tell them, but I doubt they even remember.

My message to readers: don't let what people say bother you. Be unapologetically yourself, and the world will be forced to accept you. Be who you want to be, because you're only here. once.


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