8- Happy Birthday To Venus

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In no time at all September turned into October and then Halloween (which was also Venus's birthday) came around.

"Happy Birthday Ve," Ginny smiled weakly at Venus when the girl rolled out of bed on Saturday the 31st.

"Thanks," Venus smiled at her sister. Recently the two had been becoming more separate, which was strange for them as they had lived their whole lives in each other's company.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Mali jumped on top of Venus.

"Oof!" Venus complained, hitting her friend with a pillow.

Mali laughed and continued getting dressed. "So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"Well I don't know about you," Venus pulled some clothes out of her trunk, "but I'm doing my Transfiguration essay."

"Boo," Mali frowned, "no way are you doing work on your birthday."

"I like Transfiguration!" Venus began pulling her clothes on.

"Yeah almost as much as I like sticking pins in my eyes!" Mali shook her head disapprovingly.


The day went by quickly. Venus received several parcles containing presents from her parents, one parcles from Bill with a necklace and one from Charlie that looked suspiciously like a dragon's tooth.

"Mum is going to hate this!" Venus held it up for Fred, George and Ron to see as they sat in the Gryffindor common room before heading down to the Halloween feast, "I love it!"

They headed down to the feats with the rest of the Gryffindors, minus Ron, Harry and Hermione who had promised to attend Nearly Headless Nick's deathday party and Ginny who was mysteriously absent for most of the day.

The Halloween feast was just as amazing as promised. Venus ended up almost having to carry Mali out of the hall because she had eaten far too much and simply couldn't walk.

The whole school seemed to leave the hall at the same time, bit the crowd quickly stopped.

"For Merlin's sake what is it this time?" Venus pushed her way to the front of the crowd, dragging Mali with her.

What she was wasn't what she had expected.

Mrs Norris, the caretakers cat was frozen. A look if fear on her face. A puddle of water was seeping under the door to a girl's bathroom. And on the wall opposite was a message written in a shining red substance.

"The Chamber Of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir beware." Draco Malfoy read out.

"To bed all of you!" McGonagall hearded the crowd away.

"What was that?" Mali asked as the two girls hurried towards Gryffindor tower.

"I have no idea."


"Professor!" Mali dragged Venus towards McGonagall at the end of a Transfiguration lesson.

"Yes Miss Young?" McGonagall looked at her.

"What's the Chamber of Secrets?" She asked, "we tried to look it up, but all of the copies of Hogwarts A History we're checked out of the libary!"

"You girls go to lunch now," McGonagall fixed them with a stare.

"Please Professor!" Venus asked, "we want to know."

"Oh very well," McGonagall said unwillingly, "it is believed that when Hogwarts was first astablished that Salazar Slytherin built a chamber hidden in the school, when he left he sealed it with dark magic, warning that if the chamber ever opened the poster within would be released and pure the school of all those who are impure."

"What does it mean impure?" Mali asked, interestedly.

"Muggleborns," McGonagall answered sadly, "you see Slytherin believed that Hogwarts should only educate those with pure magical blood."

Venus frowned, "That just crap..."

"Miss Bl-Weasley watch your language." McGonagall snapped.

"What were you going to call me?" Venus frowned.

"Nothing," McGonagall replied, "I just got your name mixed up with an old student's that's all."

Venus and Mali exchanged a look.

"Now you two get to lunch!"

"Thank you professor."


"Now Miss Weasleys you are supposed to be levitating the feather, not Miss Young, let her down at once." Professor Flitwick scolded Venus in a Charms lesson in the middle of December. Snow was falling heavily outside, giving the entire castle a magical feeling.

"Sorry Professor," Venus quickly let Mali settle back on the floor.

"That was almost as bad as a broomstick!" Mali looked slightly green, "never do that again."

"I don't understand what you have against flying!" Venus turned her attention back to her feather. "It's really quite fun!"

"I enjoy the ground's company too much to enjoy flying!" Mali grinned.

"ATTACK!" Peeves yelled loud enough that everyone in the class could hear it, "ANOTHER ATTACK! NO MORTAL OR GHOST IS SAFE, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES ATTACK!"

Professor Flitwick didn't even try to stop them as the first years all hurried out of the classroom towards the sound of Peeves's yells.

"Caught in the act!" A second year Hufflepuff boy said, pointing at Harry. Who once again was found in the middle of everything.

At the first duelling club session Harry had used Parceltounge, which had caused most of the school to believe he was the heir of Slytherin who had petrified Mrs Norris and Colin Creevy.

Next to Harry floated Nearly Headless Nick, he was stiff and looked almost scared.

Another Hufflepuff boy lay petrified on the floor.

"This isn't good," Venus mumbled to Mali, "If it can do that to a ghost then no one is safe."

Mali let out a squeak. She was in more danger than Venus. Mali was a muggleborn, she was a target. Where as Venus was a pureblood.

"Don't worry Mali," Venus patted her friend's back, "you're going to be fine."

*le gasp* ze chamre du secreeets ez oooopen!!!!
That's about the extend of my language skills (which are non-existent).
Remember to vote, comment and check out the Crimes of Grindalwald (did I spell that right) trailer!
~Em xx

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