116- Mum- Professor Black-Weasley

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"Slytherin!" The hat roared. Albus made his way over to the applauding table. Hope patted him on the back, grinning like a madman and stuck her tongue out at James across the hall.

Venus clapped along with the rest of the hall and watched Albus sit down beside Scorpius Malfoy.

"What is Neville glaring at?" Sirius asked Venus. Neville was sat beside her, his hands clutched in tight fists on the table top and his eyes fixed on the Gryffindor table, where Halley sat beside Adam Wood.

Adam was a fifth year, two years above Halley, but the two were sat side by side, struggling to hold in laughter. James was sat across the table glaring at the pair.

"Neville is trying to set a student on fire with sheer power of will." Venus murmured back to Sirius as the next person was called up to be sorted.

"Why?" Lupin frowned.

"Alfie saw Halley kissing Adam Wood at the train station, and now Neville wants to kill the boy. Now shut up, I'm trying to watch the sorting."


"Halley." Venus called her daughter back after class.

"Yeah, what is it mum- I mean Professor Black-Weasley?" Halley made her way to the front as the rest of the class left the room.

Venus laughed and shook her head, "so, what exactly is going on with you and Adam Wood?"

"How do you know about that?" Halley demanded.

"Oh come on Hal, you weren't exactly being subtle, Alfie saw you at the train station," laughed Venus.

"Well, if you really want to know, he's my boyfriend," Halley huffed and crossed her arms.

"Well, unless you want to give your father a heart attack, I would keep the public displays of affection to a minimum." Venus suggested. Every time Neville had seen Adam, he had smashed or dropped whatever he was holding. "And James doesn't look too thrilled about it for that matter."

"What's James got to do with anything?" Halley said, the tone of her voice confused Venus.

"Have you and James had a fight or something?" Venus frowned.

"He yelled at me on the train." Halley huffed, "seemed to think he has some control over who I kiss."

"Halley, he's been your best friend forever, he's probably just jealous that you're spending time with someone else," suggested Venus. "Give him some time, he'll come around."

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