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For as long as Misaki could remember, life wasn't fair at all.

To some people life showered all the happiness and riches that a person carves for. And, to some people like her, life wasn't fair at all.

It was how life worked and no matter how hard it may be, eventually, one is forced to accept it.

There's only two types of people in this world: lucky and unlucky.

And sadly, Misaki belonged to the unlucky kind.

The way that Misaki viewed her life was not exaggeration or her negativity. It was the cold harsh truth that she had lived with all her life.

Most people believe in the saying 'whatever happens, always happens for good'. But, she had long decided that the statement was nothing more than a big fat lie. Afterall, nothing good ever happened in her life and even if it did, soon enough it was be replaced with a series of misfortunes.

Her life belonged to her mother. Her fate had been decided when her mother had won her custody when her parents divorced. They had seperated because of her mother's affairs.

Her father had always been a good man. He had tried hard to win her custody but his financial status back then wasn't enough to raise a child. Of course she was allowed a day with her father every month but it didn't matter anymore since he was gone now.

A week back, she had heard the news of her father's death. He had been in an accident. A year before, he had got a decent job and had promised her that he would give an appeal to the court to gain her custody. Happy times were to come but they were replaced with a series of misfortunes. She was truly unlucky.

She had been so devastated and heartbroken. She had locked herself in her room crying her heart out. That day the strong front that she had put up for years had been broken. She had loved her father so dearly. She had endured her mother's harsh beatings and venomous words in hopes that one day her father would save her, but life had never been fair to her.

Today was her 18th birthday, the day she would be legally considered an adult. She had decided to run away. If life wasn't going to give her happiness she would herself change her life.

Running away from home was easy. Her mother was probably in a bar enjoying herself.

The feeling of freedom and happiness didn't last long though as she was attacked by a drunken man who had forcefully dragged her in an alleyway. He had tried to force himself on her but she had resisted. It all didn't end well. She got stabbed several times and was left to die as the man ran away in fright.

Misaki just layed on the cold hard ground taking her last breaths. Her own blood pooling around her. She didn't care about the state she was in, afterall, she wasn't afraid of death.

Death only meant that she would be able to meet her father.

But she did wonder if anybody would miss her or look for her. Maybe some friends, after all she hadn't really focused on being social like many people her age would. She had been constantly studying to get a well paid job so that she could make her's and her father's life comfortable. 

She really hoped that she could meet her father in the afterlife.

Speaking of which she had always thought that when one passed away he/she would be greeted by an old man in white robes, standing in front of two doors. One white and the other black. If your name was present on the long list of names that the old man held, you would be told to enter the white door, the door leading to heaven. And if your name wasn't there you would be made to enter the black one, the door leading to hell.

But there was nothing like that. Nothing, but darkness and another familiar feeling of . . . . . . . . warmth.

She just stayed in the darkness, taking comfort in the warm feeling. There was nothing to do, so she just slept, for days. Slowly days turned into months and months into years. She really didn't know how long it had been, she had stopped counting long ago. But as she opened her eyes after sleeping for so long she saw a bright light. After staying in darkness for so long it hurt her eyes, so she had to close her eyes. Soon her bare skin came in contact with cold air. Although it wasn't that cold she shivered due to the fact that she had been in the warm place for a very long time. She wanted to wrap her arms around herself to keep herself warm, but her arms and legs felt weak. And for some reason trying to open her eyes was very painful, so she had to keep them closed.

What was happening? Was she still alive? Was she in a coma for all those years?

These were the questions that came to her mind as she heard voices all around her. She didn't feel any pain, instead she felt really refreshed. Suddenly she heard a loud wailing beside her.

Why was there a baby beside her?

She felt herself being picked up. She was then washed with warm water and then wrapped into a warm fluffy fabric. A blanket? She was then lifted again as strong muscular arms wrapped around her. A man spoke to her in a giddy voice. And then she heard a feminine voice laughing beside her.

It took her some time to figure out what was going on, but she eventually got it. She had been reborn. In her previous life she had never ever believed in reincarnation. She had always thought that it was just some shit that people told to gain attention and fame. But now she had to believe it.

She just stayed silent and listened to her new parents conversation. She came to know that she had a little twin sister, the child whose loud wailing she had heard. But she was beyond shocked when she heard her parents call out each others name. Her new father's name was Kizashi and her mother's name was Mebuki. At first she thought of it as just mere coincidence that their name resembled that of a fictional couple, but her suspicion was proved when the doctor referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. Haruno. Still she refused to accept her thoughts, but she had to eventually give in when she heard them talk about making her and her little sister kunoichis. Then it hit her, it wasn't just a simple reincarnation but she had been reborn in a fictional world as the twin sister of a fictional character, Sakura Haruno. 

She was then given a new name Saki. It wasn't just a name, it was her new identity. She was now Saki Haruno, elder daughter of Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno and elder twin sister of Sakura Haruno.

So, on 28th March Saki Haruno was born.

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