Chapter 19

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Tazuna emerged at the doorway holding a bottle of sake.

' What the . . .'

He started in a drowsy voice.

' A bunch of little snot nosed kids?'

With that he swung the bottle to drink more as he took a large gulp of sake. The sake dripped down his chin as he kept gulping it down. 

Saki cringed. She had never liked drunkards. Seeing Tazuna brought back some pretty bad memories. The men that her drunk mother brought home used to reek of alcohol. They would eye her in such a lecherous manner and to top it off the man that had killed Saki had also been a drunkard. A shiver ran up her spine.  Although with this her adventure was going to start but she wasn't going to like Tazuna much.

' Huh?'

Naruto exclaimed.

Tazuna finally stopped drinking as he released a satisfied sigh. He leaned at the doorway as he eyed the Genins.

' And you!'

He started.

' The little one with the idiotic look on your face. You really expect me to believe that you're a Ninja?'

He asked rudely.

Naruto let out a loud laughter.

' Who's the little one with the idiotic look on their face?'

He asked looking at his teammates.

Sasuke, Saki and Sakura all three of them moved to stand beside Naruto. The tallest was Sasuke and Saki and Sakura were of the same height and taller than Naruto. So the conclusion was Naruto was ' the little one with the idiotic look'.

Naruto was confused at first but then slowly the harsh reality hit him hard. He was the . . . . . shortest. Poor Naruto couldn't cope up with the idea that he was the one being insulted as his anger burst out in full blast.


He shouted out in his fit of rage as he constantly tried to free himself from Kakashi who was holding him back from his collar.

' You can't demolish the client Naruto. It doesn't work that way.'

Kakashi told him in his calm voice.

Meanwhile Tazuna who hadn't been paying heed to anything that had been taking place and drinking his sake released another contented sigh.

' I am Tazuna.'

He introduced himself.

'  A master Bridge Builder and I must return to my country. I am building a bridge there that will change our world and I expect you to get me there safely even if it means giving up your life.'

Tazuna demanded.

Saki felt angry. And believe it when people say that it was rare for her to get angry. She hadn't liked Tazuna from the very first time she saw him. For her he was just a selfish man who didn't think about others. He knew that it was a very dangerous mission but he still decided to keep his secret even if he saw that the team guarding him consisted only of four Genins with their Jounin mentor. He was ready to risk their lives because he couldn't afford to pay for a B rank mission. Truly selfish.

Squad 7 was then ordered to prepare for their departure. They were to meet up at the main gate after half an hour. 

Saki walked towards the hospital with her red backpack slung on her back. She wanted to visit Mikoto once before leaving for the mission. She had bought Apple Blossoms from the Yamanaka Flower Shop before setting out for the hospital. She had chosen this particular flower because Apple Blossoms symbolizes hope and good fortune. Hope that Mikoto will wake up soon and Sasuke will find his happiness, reliving his childhood days alongside his mother. And good fortune so that this mission may go more better then in the anime. Saki wanted to protect Sasuke from the harm that was going to come. She wanted to make sure that she may take the fatal blow instead of Sasuke. After all Mikoto's last words to Saki were to look after her little boy, Sasuke. She will look after Sasuke.

When Saki had entered Mikoto's room she was greeted with the sight of Sasuke sitting on a stool at Mikoto's bedside holding her hand in his.

' Sasuke.'

Saki called out as she walked towards the small table kept near Mikoto's bed to put the flowers she had bought in the sky blue colored vase that had been brought by herself in the past.

Sasuke turned to look at her.

' What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the main gate? You'll be late.'

Sasuke inquired.

Saki let out a small laughter.

' Shouldn't you answer that question too?'

Saki said as she placed the flowers in the vase and poured water in it.

' I wanted to see mother once before leaving. After all I won't be able to visit her for some time.'

' That's true.'

Saki responded as she sat down next to him.

' I came to do the same and to bring her those flowers.'

Sasuke turned to look at the flowers.

' What do they symbolize?'

A small smile came on Saki's lips.

' They symbolize hope and good fortune.'

' Why did you choose them?'

Sasuke asked as he turned to look at her.

' Because I hope for your mother to get well soon and live together with you happily. And as for good fortune, we need that for our mission. After all this is the first time for us to be travelling outside Konoha.'

Sasuke gives her one of his rare smiles, not smirk but an actual smile.

' You have always been here for me and mother. I don't know what we will do without you.'

With that Sasuke stands up and walks to the door.

' Come on. It's time for us to leave.'

With that Sasuke walks out.

Saki also stands up to leave. Before leaving she holds Mikoto's hand in hers and gives it a gentle squeeze.

' Don't worry Mrs. Uchiha I am still looking after your little boy.'

With that Saki leaves for her great mission.

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