Chapter 83

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Same as the original plot Naruto was fighting against Neiji and so on. Witnessing the fight go on as it did in the story was overwhelming to say the least. A lot of emotions involved in it.

Saki was glad that she was born in a normal household. She didn't think she could handle the stress of being born in a prestigious clan like the Hyuga or the Uchiha.

The match ended with Naruto winning and showing a victory sign in their direction. Saki looked towards where Sakura and Ino were sitting she could see the drastic difference in their reactions. Ino seemed really excited while Sakura was a little quite. She must be feeling her insecurities rise again. Saki looked back towards Naruto as he was being escorted out of the arena.

She didn't need to comfort Sakura. She knew she would take it as a motivation for her own hard work.

"Whoa! he won!!"

Shikamaru who was standing beside her suddenly exclaimed.

"Well he's full of surprises. I thought you won't be as suprised anymore after all these times of unexpected results."

Saki said chuckling.

"Well you're right."

He said sighing.

"I shouldn't be surprised at this point but I totally assumed he was a lameass-type like me. . ."

He said with another sigh.


Shino who was also standing along with them questioned.

"Well I think you will do great too. You're so smart after all."

Saki assured. Shikamaru was the only one who became a Chuunin after the exam interruption after all.

"Oh come on! Now I really have to go down on the stage and be serious."

He said with a tired expression.

"You weren't planning on being serious before?"

Shino questioned in his monotone voice.

"Well. . ."

Shikamaru didn't answer that.

As Naruto came back to the seat he came straight for Saki.

"Saki-nee!! Wasn't I cool?!"

He said hugging her.

"You were the coolest!"

Saki said laughing.

"Even I have to say that was a really cool win. Congratulations Naruto!"

Shikamaru congratulated leaning on the railings.

"Congratulations. . ."

Shino also congratulated.

"That's right! Don't underestimate me!!"

Naruto said grinning.

. . . . .

Some time had passed since the match and the audience was getting restless. Sasuke wasn't back yet therefore the match was at a halt.

"What the heck is that guy doing? Is he planning not to come?"

Shikamaru asked uneasily.

"Confucious said 'The wise do not approach the dangerous' A wise decision perhaps?"

Shino quoted.

"What are you talking about?"

Naruto said as he rested his hands on top of the railings looking down at the arena.

"He's definitely going to come!"

He said confidently sending a glare at Gaara's direction who was standing a little further away from them along with his siblings.

Saki also looked in Gaara's direction.

He was also glaring at Naruto but his eyes suddenly met hers as he softened his gaze. But the eye contact didn't last long as he averted his eyes away with a conflicted look.

Saki also averted her eyes away from him. She was worried about what was to happen. Was Gaara really going to attack? Orochimaru had taken the form of the Kazekage and was sitting beside the Hokage too. She didn't want the Lord Hokage to die. It was completely different from seeing his death on a screen. This was real life. She has interacted with him countless times. He was no different than a kind grandfather to her.

She looked down at the arena gate. She really hoped Sasuke and Kakashi would hurry up.

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora