Chapter 8

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Saki sat in her room, yes her room. Apparently, Sakura didn't want to be in the same room as her so she had to move. She was given the guest room. It was not that the Haruno family didn't get any guest, it was just that they didn't stay over. She was reading a scroll on medical ninjutsus. She wasn't actually reading it. She was just staring at it blankly.

She was very stressed. Although she managed to save Mikoto, yesterday she and Sasuke were given the news that, she had gone into a comma. Mikoto couldn't take the death of her husband and clan members that well. Her mind had went to a state of shock.

Saki was worried about him. How was he right now?  After hearing the news yesterday, he had told her that he needed some time alone. Saki made up her mind. She would visit Sasuke and Mikoto today, after lunch that is. As if on que, she heard Mebuki call her and Sakura for lunch.

She put away her scroll as she walked towards the dinning room. Just then Sakura also came out of her room, previously their room. When she saw Saki she increased her speed and pushed pass her. Saki sighed. Sakura was becoming a pain in the ass.

Saki quietly took her seat beside Sakura. Today it was just her, Sakura and Mebuki. Kizashi had went for a mission.

Saki was silently eating her lunch when finally Mebuki couldn't take the silence anymore and decided to strike up a conversation.

'You two graduated yesterday. Aren't you two excited to start attending senior ninja academy next month?'

'Yes mother. I really want to learn more of the jutsus.'

Saki said giving her mother a small smile. Mebuki smiled back.

'And you Sakura dear?'

'I just want to see Sasuke-kun sooner.'

Saki sighed. Sakura is obsessed with him, isn't she?

'By the way, dear. You aren't wearing the cute ribbon Ino-chan gave you anymore. You didn't even went to play with her yesterday. Did something happen between you two?'

Mebuki asked worried.

'Mom, please don't speak about her anymore. It gives me a headache.'

'Why Sakura? Did you two get into a fight?'

'If you must know mom. I broke off our friendship. She never mentioned it but I always knew that she had a crush on my Sasuke-kun too. So, yesterday I returned her shady ribbon and told her that we are rivals starting from that moment.'

'Sakura, you shouldn't have done that. She was your friend.'

'Yeah some friend she is, trying to take what is mine.'

At this point Saki had had enough.

'Shut up Sakura. Don't talk about her like that.'

Sakura snapped her head towards Saki, glaring at her harshly.

' I don't remember asking your opinion. And who do you think you are? You don't have the right to order me around.'

'Oh yes I do. If mother and father wouldn't scold you, it's my duty to do that. Do you even know how much of a spoiled brat you have became? Don't blame others for your obsession over a boy.'

'My love for Sasuke-kun is real, alright. It's not an obsession.'

'Is this what you call love, Sakura? If I remember correctly, three years back you used to say that you love me and do you remember, sometimes back you used to say that you love Ino. If this is how you treat your loved ones. I am not sure if Sasuke would want your love.'

'You are wrong. I am treating you two like this because you two are trying to take my Sasuke-kun away from me.'

Sakura retorted as she stood up from her seat.

'No, Sakura. You are the one who is wrong here. You were and are the one always at fault here. You decided to choose him who doesn't pay any attention to you or even talks to you, over us who have always supported you and cared for you.'

Saki fired back. Sakura knew Saki was right. But she couldn't back down now. She loved Sasuke too much. So, she just ran away to her room.

Saki turned to her mother, giving her a strained apologetic smile.

'I am sorry, mother.'

With that she headed out towards the hospital.

Mebuki was shocked, she had never seen Saki talk like that to Sakura. But she had to agree with every word Saki said.

Saki entered the hospital, still fuming. But she decided it was better to forget for now. She asked permission to visit Sasuke and Mebuki in the reception and headed to their room. At first they were in different rooms but Sasuke had requested that he may be granted permission to be admitted in the same room as his mother.

Sasuke had been sitting beside his mother, holding her hand. He looked up as he heard the door open. From behind the door emerged a smiling Saki. Her smile looked strained. He knew something was wrong with her, but he didn't smile back. The day he had cried in front of her thanking her for saving his mother, he had promised himself that he wouldn't show those emotions ever again. He had to be strong if he wanted to take revenge from Itachi. Emotions will just make him weak. He couldn't forgive him for what he had done to their clan and his mother.

Saki dragged a stool next to Sasuke and sat down beside him.

'So how are you doing?'

Saki asked looking at Sasuke.

'Fine, I guess.'

'And how's Mrs. Uchiha?'

'Her condition's the same.'

Sasuke's hold on his mother's hand tightened.

'Have you eaten Sasuke?'

Saki asked trying to change the subject.


'Was the food to your liking?'

Saki asked jokingly. She knew how crappy hospital meals were. Sasuke just rolled his eyes.

'Yeah. It tasted like my favourite pack of shits.'

Saki punched Sasuke playfully.

'Be nice, Sasuke.'

Saki let out a quiet laugh, as Sasuke allowed a small smile to grace his features. Even if he promised himself to not show any emotions, it seemed impossible to do that in this girl's presence.

Time passed by really fast and it was time for Saki to leave. Before leaving she turned to look at Sasuke.

'I know I said this before but remember I am always here for you, Sasuke.'

With that she left. Sasuke knew that and he was so sure about one thing. Even if he couldn't trust anyone, but he sure as hell could trust her.

Saki, the only other person left other than his mother who was precious to him.


That's right people. It's a double update, since I was feeling generous.

Just kidding. I am just making up for not updating for sooo long. Enjoy!

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