Chapter 28

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' A long time ago, the Hidden Village of the Mist was known as the Village of the Bloody Mist . . .'

' Hmph!'

Zabuza exclaimed as he turned to look at Kakashi narrowing his eyes slightly.

' So you also know about the final test there.'

He stated flatly.

' The final test?'

Naruto asked stating his confusion.

Zabuza closed his eyes as he started chuckling.

' Hey, what is that "final test"?'

Naruto asked his voice sounding aggressive.

Zabuza just kept on chuckling.

Naruto clenched his teeth in frustration.

Zabuza finally opened his eyes.

' Students killing each other.'

Zabuza answered Naruto's question.

Naruto's eyes widened in horror.

' Friends who have eaten from the same pot are separated into groups of two and forced to fight each other . . . until one of them is killed.'

Saki could never get comfortable hearing this story on the screen. And now that she was hearing it in real life she was growing more uncomfortable. This was a horrible practice. Making friends and comrades kill each other. This was truly inhumane.

' This is done with friends that have helped each other, shared their dreams, and competed together.'

' That's awful.'

Sakura said her face pale with horror.

' Ten years ago, the Hidden Village of Mist had to go through a reformation.'

Kakashi's calm voice rang out in the silent environment.

' Because in the previous year, a monster appeared that finally decided it.'

Saki's gaze unconsciously shifted on Zabuza.

' A reformation?'

She heard Sakura asking.

' A reformation . . .? What did that monster do?'

Sakura asked one more time.

' A small boy who had not even gained the right to become a ninja . . .'

Kakashi started.

' killed more than 100 of the candidate that year, and killed them all without hesitation.'

After much silence Zabuza spoke up.

' That was fun.'

He said looking up at the sky seemingly recalling a pleasant memory. And then suddenly he looked down staring at Sasuke, Naruto and Saki.

Even Saki couldn't help but flinch at his gaze as she felt a cold chill run up her spine.

And then suddenly he appeared behind Saki. Saki's eyes widened as she hurried to defend herself but before she could even turn back she felt a sheering pain on the back of her neck. And before her vision turned black she heard Zabuza's cold voice say.

' After I take care of them, you are coming with me. . .You would be such a good disciple.'

When Saki opened her eyes she found herself laying on a futon. She slowly sat up as a sheering pain erupted on her neck causing her to groan. She instinctively clutched the back of her neck where the pain was. That guy didn't even know how much force he should use to knock someone out. Was he trying to break her neck or something? She was 100% sure that a bruise was forming there. She sighed as she slowly looked around. Seems like she was in Tazuna's humble abode. To be honest she was very happy right now she could even burst into tears. Finally she could calm her mind.

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