Chapter 13

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Saki had decided to go to the training ground on the designated time. She always woke up on dawn anyway. 

She walked to the training grounds along with Sakura. It wasn't like she had a choice in the matter, they lived in the same house. Sakura was too tired to even bicker with her so the walk to the training grounds was unexpectedly pleasant.

They arrived on the training ground on the same time as Sasuke and Naruto. While Naruto looked like he could collapse any moment contrary to him Sasuke looked quite fine actually.

Saki sat on the ground leaning against a tree as she flipped through the pages of a book she had bought recently. It was an interesting book to say the least. A book about the adventures of a Shinobi. She had always liked books in her previous life too. 

Reading this book reminded her of the day she had bought it. She had went to the bookstore to look for interesting books. She had just paid for the book when out of all the dull covered books a really bright covered books section had caught her eyes. She had went there to look at the books, to only cringe at what she saw there. Perverted looking old men piled in that section. She had got the idea of what this book section was. Jiraiya's Icha-Icha Paradise section. She had backed away slowly from the unholy place only to bump into a pervert who had then grinned at her pervertedly offering to show her the 'wonders of the book'. Saki had kicked the man on his precious place and had made a beeline for the exit. She sighed at this memory. Good lord until that day she had never even known that dangers await a person even in a book store.

It had been quite sometime since they had arrived at the training grounds. The sun had rose high above and Saki had finished half of the book.

' Good morning everyone.'

Saki heard Kakashi's voice. She shut her book close as she stood up from her spot walking towards where her team stood.

' Ready for your first day?'


Sakura and Naruto shouted out as they seemed ready to pummel Kakashi in the ground.

Sasuke remained silent because it was a bother to say anything and Saki remained silent because she knew better than to expect anything related to punctuality from Kakashi.

' Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way.'

Kakashi said as he gave his team a closed eyed smile.

' Well . . . let's get started.'

' Huh?'

Naruto let out a confused sound as Kakashi went and set a alarm clock on the top of a wooden post.

' Here we go.'

Kakashi said setting the time. 

' It's set for noon.'

Kakashi pulled out three bells from his pocket and waved them in front of him.

' Your assignment is really simple. You just have to take these bells from me. That's all that there is to it.'

He waved the bells again.

' If you can't get them by noon you'll go without lunch.'

Naruto let out a noise of disapproval.

' You'll be tied to those posts as you watch as I eat my lunch in front of you.'

As if on cue the three Genin's (who had actually listened to Kakashi) stomach growled.

' Wait a minute.'

Sakura interjected.

' There's four of us. How come there are only three bells?'

Kakashi gave her his signature smile.

' So in that way at least one of you will be tied to the poll and ultimately disqualified due to failing to complete the mission.'

Everyone except Saki glared at Kakashi.

' That one goes to the academy. Then again all four of you can flunk out too. You can use any weapon including shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me you won't be able to take the bells.'

' Those weapons are too dangerous sensei.'

Sakura protested.

Naruto let out a huge laughter.

' Especially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser.'

Naruto said mocking him.

' Class clowns are usually the weakest links. Consisting of lowest scores, losers.'

Kakashi retorted calmly. 

Naruto seemed offended.

' When I say start you can begin.'

Naruto growled as he took out a kunai from his ninja gear as he ran up to attack Kakashi.

Kakashi caught his hand easily and twisted Naruto's arm so that the kunai was pointing towards the back of Naruto's head.

' Don't be in such a hurry.'

Kakashi said calmly.

' I didn't say start yet.'

Sakura and Sasuke stepped away from Kakashi as he released Naruto. Saki just stood at her spot observing everything.

' But . . . you came at me with the full intention of destroying me. So how can I say this? I am actually starting to like you guys.'

There was silence.

' Get ready and . . . . . start.'

With that everyone set off trying to find a good hiding spot.

Sasuke hid in the branches of a tree.

Sakura hid under a bush.

Saki hid behind a big boulder.

And Naruto, well he stood right before Kakashi in the bright daylight.

Kakashi sighed.


Naruto challenged.


Saki's eyes widened, she had completely forgot about Naruto's stupid move. 

' You know compared to the others you are a little weird.'

Kakashi said after composing himself.

' Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your haircut.'

Naruto shot back as he ran to attack Kakashi.

Kakashi reached in his pouch as Naruto stopped thinking that he was going to take out a weapon.

Saki's breath hitched. She knew what was going to come. And then it happened Kakashi took out the stupid wretched bright colored book. Oh no. Saki thought. That freaking book had scared her for the remaining of her entire life.

Saki zoned out of the conversation that Naruto was having with Kakashi. She had to think of a strategy to get the team to work together. Reading fanfictions was easy but actually being in the situation and having to think of a plan was a real pain in the ass. Saki sighed. This was so tiring.

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