Chapter 81

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Saki felt Ichiro's chakra fluctuating as suddenly the ground beneath her shook. She felt a rush of chakra as she was hit with a block of hardened sand.

Saki lost her footing as she was thrown some distance away. The sand which was flying around due to her little tornado was clearing up as she saw Ichiro appearing before her.

"Play time's over. Get ready for a serious battle!"

He said narrowing his eyes.

Saki also frowned as she stood up.

Ichiro was the one who attacked first as he made a bunch of hand signs throwing those hardened sand blocks at her as Saki used her wind blades to cut through it.

As she blocked those attacks she noticed that the ground beneath her was getting wet. She looked up at Ichiro's direction. He had the water type chakra too.

Saki jumped away from the wet area. It had turned very slippery. It would be hard to maintain balance. She saw a bunch of water blades coming at her direction as she was in the process of trying to change locations.

She quickly guarded her face with her arms. As the blades grazed her skin blood appeared from the places thet cut her.

As Saki landed some distance away she saw a. . . mud golem charge at her.

Her eyes widened as the golem proceeded to throw a punch at her. She quickly ducked her head as the punch went above her head. She turned around and stabbed the golem with a kunai just for the kunai to get absorbed in the golems arm.

In turn the golem whipped around trying to throw another punch at her. Saki kept on evading it's attacks but she couldn't go on like this. She didn't know how long Ichiro could maintain the jutsu but she didn't want to waste too much chakra and risk losing the match because of chakra shortage.

The mud golem was fast as it continuously attached her. Saki was also in a difficult position as her wind blades did nothing but to spill some of it's mud around and her fire attacks also did nothing much to hurt it.

Suddenly she remembered something. She had to try to see. She first proceeded to send a wave of wind below the golems feet as it lost it's balance and fell to the ground and then she jumped over it attaching her palm to it's chest as she distributed fire throughout it's body. And sure enough as the fire spread around it's body it hardened up turning stiff. Saki waited for it's whole body to turn hard as she threw a strong punch at it shattering it. As the golem shattered she jumped off of it.

She landed on the ground in a crouching posture as she watched Ichiro who looked at her with cold eyes.

She was glad she remembered the concept of pottery baking. (I hope I am right about this thing.)

Saki watched as he proceeded to perform his next jutsu. After he had done the hand signs the ground beneath her turned muddy again but this time she was slowly sinking into it.

Saki couldn't move around even a bit since it was quicksand. The more she moved, the more faster she would go down.

"Admit your defeat!"

She heard Ichiro saying as he watched her sink from a distance.

Saki gritted her teeth. She had to think of a way fast, with a cool mind. She looked at her feet that were already halfway in. Suddenly a thought came to her mind. She didn't know if it would work but she needed to try nonetheless. She shoved her hands into the sand.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!"

She heard Ichiro's alarmed voice.

She ignored him as she steadily focused her chakra into her hands.

"Quickly say that you admit defeat! You are really going to sink at this rate!"

Saki focused more and more on concentrating the chakra on her hands and just as she was sure that it was enough she released out a burst of her wind type chakra into the sand.

The effect was that the sand surrounding her was blasted around as she quickly freed herself. And during this mess as the sand flew everywhere she took the chance to tackle Ichiro placing a kunai to his throat.

"You admit defeat!"

She said.

Ichiro looked at her in shock for some seconds but his expression quickly changed into a defeated frown.

"Haa. . . "

He let out a sigh.

"Those were the techniques that made me win during the previous exams. . .Fine. I admit defeat!"

He announced as the referee came to officially end the match.

A/N:I hope the fight didn't sound stupid. . .

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin