Chapter 39

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"For the kid to master a jutsu like that. . . "

Saki heard Kakashi's astonished voice as Zabuza just giggled.

"Jutsu like that?"

Sakuta's asked confused.

"An advanced bloodline!!"

Kakashi stated.

"A deep blood lineage. . . superior genealogy. . . It's a jutsu passed down by your ancestors."

"Then. . "

Sakura said uneasily.

"Yeah, you can compare it to my Sharingan. Even I couldn't copy it. It's impossible to defeat."

After a moment of silence Naruto's resolved voice sounded.

"Damn it!!"

He said looking up.

"So what!!! I can't die here. . . I have a dream and promise I must fulfill. . ."

Everything went silent again but soon it was broken again as Haku spoke up.

"Becoming a true shinobi is difficult for me. .If possible I don't want to have to kill you. Nor want you to have to kill me."

Saki was saddened. Haku wasn't a bad person. If possible she wanted the outcome of this battle to not end in his death.

"But if you come at me. . . I can destroy my heart with a blade and become a true shinobi. This bridge is the place where we fight. . . to connect our dreams. Me, for my dream. And you for tour dreams. Please don't hate me. I want to protect someone precious to me. To work for the person. To fight for that person. To make that person's dreams come true. That is my dream. For that, I can become a shinobi. I can kill you."

Suddenly Saki was struck by an idea. An idea to protect both her team and Haku. She stood up slowly. It was painful but she had to endure.

"Sasuke-kun!!! Saki!!! Naruto!!! Don't lose to that guy!!"

Saki heard Sakura shout. She too a deep breath and faced Haku's reflection in the mirror.

"Do you really want to protect your precious person?"

Saki asked as her eyes stared straight at him.


Haku responded without any hesitation.

"Saki what are you trying to do?!"

Sasuke asked worried as he grabbed her arm.

Saki placed her hand gently on his as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"It's alright Sasuke. I know what I am doing."

And then she turned her gaze to Haku again.

"Please listen to me this once. I have read and learned many things about many bussiness people before. Your employer being one of them. And  he is known to cheat his employees and get rid of them. Don't you think you are being cheated on by him right now?"

Haku was silent for a while.

"But why should I trust you? Please do not try to confuse me."

He replied calmly. But Saki knew better than that. She knew a little doubt must have arose in his heart. After all it had something to do with Zabuza's well being.

"I am not asking you to trust me. I am only asking you to think carefully and see the bigger picture here. After all this concerns your precious person. I too have loved ones. People who mean more to me then my own life and I would surely think everything over if it concerns their well being."

Saki stared ahead without diverting her eyes. Haku seemed to be observing her in order to see any flaws that will give out her ill intentions.

"Are you telling me the truth?"

He asked her coldly.

"I have no reasons to lie. I dare not to. I am only informing you this because I also wish for us to not fight to death for the sake of someone who isn't even worth it. Please do consider my words. You can discuss with your partner about this if you would like to. I promise not to try and escape. If I do then you can just kill me."

Saki felt Sasuke tighten his grip on her. She just squeezed his hand in a comforting manner.

"Alright then."

Haku spoke up calmly.

"I will trust you this once but remember if what you said turns out to be a lie, you will be the first one to suffer the consequences."

Haku warned threateningly before stepping out of the glass mirror to talk to Zabuza.

Saki sighed in relief. Now everything depended on Zabuza, and how he would react to this.

A\N: Thank you all for your patience once again. I was just debating on a method to save Haku cause I didn't want him to die. It took me some days but I figured everything out. The next chapter might mark the end of this long battle so stay tuned for the next chapter of Reborn in Naruto:Saki Haruno.


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