Chapter 65

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Saki was shaking.

She had tried her best. . . but in the end everything still remained the same.


She heard Sakura call out her name.

"Help us!!!"

She stood up her legs shaking. She had to go to them. And so she did. She followed after Sasuke's violantly fluctuating Chakra.

All the way there she could hear Sasuke's agonizing screams and her sister's desperate calls.

When she arrived there she saw Sakura hugging Sasuke as he clutched his neck in pain. Naruto was pinned by a kunai on a tree not far away. She quickly went and freed Naruto bringing him over to where Sasuke and Sakura were.

"Sasuke. . ."

Saki called out softly placing Naruto down beside them.

Sakura looked up at her.

"Sister. . . sister"

Sakura called out to her tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry. . . I. . . I couldn't protect anyone."

Saki placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Sakura. . . can you look after Naruto for a bit."

She requested as she looked at Sasuke who was suffering in pain.

Sakura nodded her head handing Sasuke over to her.

Saki hugged Sasuke.

"Sasuke. . . I'm here. . ."

She whispered as she felt her vision get blurry with tears.

She felt him grab onto her shirt as he continued groaning in pain.

"I. . . wasn't able to protect you. . . even though I tried my best. . ."

She said to him as she cried while holding him.

"I am so sorry. . . so sorry"

She really didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay and be happy with his mother.

Sasuke's groans got softer and
softer as he was starting to loose consciousness.

"You can rest now. . .just go to sleep I'm with you."

She said stroking his back in a comforting manner. After some time Sasuke's whole weight leaned on her body as he lost consciousness.

Saki hoisted him up, carrying him on her back. She looked at Sakura who was beside an unconscious Naruto.

"For now. . . let's find a safe place. . ."

She said softly to which Sakura answered with a soft 'Okay'.


They had found a place under the thick coverage of many tree roots that went over their head.

Saki was currently wiping Sasuke's forehead with a cloth as Sakura sat beside her still looking at her teammates with worry.

Sasuke was gritting his teeth even while unconscious. Saki couldn't imagine how much he was hurting.

They didn't have anything except for their weapons. So there was nothing that they could do than to just wait.

"Sister. . ."

Saki heard Sakura calling out to her.


Saki replied as she turned to look at her.

"Aren't you angry at me?"

She asked as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"What for?"

Saki asked but she could guess what she was talking about.

"I am so useless. . . every time something like this happens you and Sasuke fight so well. . . even Naruto is so cool at times like this. . . but I. . . I just stand there doing nothing, hoping that you would protect me."

She said as her eyes became misty with tears.

Saki stared at her silent for a moment.

"Sakura. . . it's not that you lack strenght but that you think you do."

She said stroking her hair.

"In the academy or rather starting from our childhood days. . . Naruto was always behind us all. Jutsus or physical strength he lagged behind others. But still. . . he had the most confidence in whatever he did. We all have gone through so much and I think we all have matured. . . even a little bit. You just need to believe in yourself a little bit more."

Saki paused for a while as Sakura turned to look at her.

"It's not that I'm not afraid when things like this happen."

Saki confessed as she looked back at Sasuke and Naruto.

"It's just that. . . my fear is not as big as my wish to protect you all. So I tell myself that even if I may not be able to do much. . . I'll still do my best because. . . I love you all. The thought of losing any of you scares me more than the thought of getting hurt or losing."

"Thank you for everything sister. . ."

Sakura said as she hugged Saki who also hugged her back.

"Let's do our best from now on. . . Okay?"

Saki said patting her back as Sakura cried softly.

"Okay. . ."

(A/N: Thank you all for being so supportive and always commenting such wonderful and supportive things. Your comments always make me happy. I read all of them and you don't know how happy it makes me when I read such nice things. And a good news for you all. I got selected in 4 of the six colleges I applied for and shortlisted for the second round in my 2nd choice of college. It's the 3rd best college of design in my country so I'm very excited. Thank you all again for your continuous support. I love you all❤❤❤!

ZM )

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