Chapter 73

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"First off, for the second test congratulations on passing!!!"

The Hokage's voice boomed in the spacious hall where the surviving Genins gathered.

Saki looked around the hall. She could see Orochimaru standing behind a pillar as he looked towards the Hokage. She averted her eyes looking at Sasuke in front of her who looked to be in better condition than the original plot since his marking was triggered only once. She was glad but now the thought of the upcoming Hokage's death weighed down on her heavily. She didn't even know about the surety of Gaara's attack.

"Hokage-sama will now explain the third test! Listen carefully!!"

Anko announced scanning the Genins.

Anko looked at the Hokage as he nodded at her. With that she stepped back as the Hokage looked at the Genins.

"For the coming third test. . . but before I explain that there is something that I'd like you to know. It concerns the true reason for the exam."

He said with his face showing the seriousness of his words.

"Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exam together? 'To promote friendship among the countries.' 'To raise the level of Shinobi.' I don't want you to be confused about the true meaning. . .This exam is. . ."

There was a pause as the Hokage released a puff of smoke as he held his cigarette pipe in his hand.

"A replacement for war among the allied countries."

As soon as he said that there was a tense and uncomfortable air around the Genins as everyone murmmered among themselves about the words spoken by the Hokage.

"If you go back in time the current allies were enemies who fought each other over who would rule."

The Hokage continued his explanation.

"In order to prevent wasteful fighting, the stage that these countries chose for battle. . . that is the origin of the Chuunin Selection Exam."

"Why the hell do we have to do that crap?!! Isn't this thing for deciding who's a Chuunin?!!"

Naruto shouted out his anger and confusion.

"It is a fact that this exam decides. Which Shinobis have what it takes to become a Chuunin. But on the other hand, this exam has another side. . . which each country's Shinobis risk their own life to protect the land's prestige."

Saki couldn't help but feel sad. Although there was violence and crimes in her original world but they didn't have wars, where people had to risk their life for prestige or authority. . .

"Watching this third exam will be leaders and influencial individuals from many countries who make up the clients if the Shinobi. And the leaders of the countries will also be there to watch each of your battles. If the strength of a country is clear. That country will receive more clients and conversely if seen weak they will lose clients. And this will signal to potential enemy countries that 'Our village has this much power' so it will send a political message to the outsiders."

"Yeah but why?! Why do we have to risk our lives in battle?!!"

It was Kiba who lost his cool this time.

"The strength of the country is the strength of the village and the strength of the village is the strength of the Shinobi."

Saki watched on as the Hokage kept on explaining the meaning of a Shinobi's life and how a Shinobi's strength can only be enhanced by life risking battles.
It was a game of survival of the fittest. It was a life risking battle with their own dreams and their country's prestige on line.

"I get it. . ."

Saki looked at Naruto who was grinning from ear to ear and to the the other genin's who looked tense or uneasy.

"I don't care what it is. . . just hurry up and tell us what this life-risking battle entails."

Gaara said, his voice demanding and cold.

"Yes, I'd like to now explain the third test but. . ."

The Hokage was cut off by a Chuunin appearing before him kneeling on one knee respectfully.

"Actually *cough* I apologize Hokage-sama. . ."

He started.

"From here on as the referee. . . will you please allow me, Gekkou Hayate. . ."

He requested.

"By all means. . ."

The Hokage said after a while of silence.

"Hello everyone, I'm Hayate."

He said turning around to face the Genins.

Saki looked at him. He indeed looked sickly. With the eyebags and really pake skin. And also the frequent coughing as he explained to them about the preliminary for the third round. The Genins were not having it as they stated their confusion abd shouted their protest. Even Saki herself felt a little unwilling. She was tired and just not in a good shape right now but she had to do this nevertheless.

But her only thought was. . . who was to be her opponent. In many other fanfictions and such they make a whole new character to be their characters opponent and he or she would not be such a hard one to defeat. This led Saki to think. . . was she in a fanfiction and if so what has the author in store for her.

Just don't give me an annoying one to deal with. She thought letting out a tired sigh.

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