Chapter 4

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Time seemed to fly as Saki grew up to be five years of age.

Saki had learned quite a lot of things from her parents. She and Sakura were going to start the academy next year, so she had learned some basic jutsus to have an upper hand. Saki didn't only want to learn how to attack and defend against an enemy, but also to be able to heal her teammates if ever needed. So she would visit the hospital every afternoon and stay there upto 4-5 hours. She would observe the nurses as they healed minor injuries. Of course she wasn't allowed to watch major operations but she was satisfied with what she was learning.

Sakura rarely accompanied her, she was just too shy to go out. Saki knew that Sakura felt very self conscious about her forehead. She knew other kids teased her about it. But to Saki, Sakura was just her adorable little sister.

Whenever Saki was present when someone bullied Sakura, she was successful in defending her. Although Saki didn't use physical force but she did use her intelligence and force of words. It was not like Saki couldn't fight but rather she felt it would be wrong to use force against a kid. Even if it was a kid who was older than herself and Sakura, to Saki they were all little kids.

Saki was currently standing in the kitchen waiting for her mother to finish packing her lunch box. Everyday her mother would pack her something to eat before she set off to visit the hospital. Saki really liked her mother's homemade food. In her previous life her mother never made anything for her, she had to learn how to cook herself at a very young age.

Mebuki packed the lunch box and wrapped it securely in a piece of cloth. She put it in Saki's little backpack and handed it to her.

'Be back soon, honey.'

' I will be, mother.'

Mebuki kissed Saki's forehead and then Saki set off waving at her mother.

As Saki walked through the busy streets of Konoha, she heard a commotion behind her. She turned to look at what was happening and saw some villagers chasing a little kid. Saki instantly recognised him. Naruto. He was in trouble Saki had to help him. She had to think about something fast. Her eyes landed on an alleyway just around the corner. She quickly went and hid there waiting for Naruto to come and as he did Saki quickly pulled him in. The villagers rushed passed it.

Saki let out a sigh of relief. She looked beside her. There sat Naruto curled up in a ball and shivering. He was very thin. Poor kid didn't even get to eat properly.

' Hey, they are gone now.'

Saki said patting his back to get his attention. Naruto looked up slowly his eyes puffy from crying. His beautiful blonde hair was dirty and his big blue eyes were all red from crying. Saki felt pity looking at his state.

' I have something for you.'

She said reaching for her bag. Naruto looked confused for a bit and then a look of horror crossed his face as he scooted away from her.

'No, please don't hurt me. I am sorry.'

He said as quite sobs left his treambling lips. Saki's eyes widened, she hadn't meant to scare him. She was just going to give him her bento.

' No. You have got it all wrong. I am not going to hurt you. Here.'

Saki said handing him her bento. The confusion again came back in Naruto's eyes.

' It's my bento. I already had lunch so I am not hungry. You can have it.'

Naruto looked unsure, but he eventually took it.

'Thank you.'

He said in a quiet voice. He slowly opened it, Mebuki had made onigiris ( rice balls) today. Naruto picked up the first one and took a small bite. His face lightened up as he started eating with big bites. He was really hungry, huh? Saki just sat beside him smiling at his adorableness.

Naruto had finally finished eating and was now sitting beside Saki. He was fidgeting with his shirt.

' Why were they chasing you?'

Saki asked breaking the silence. Naruto looked up.

' I-I was hungry so I asked them if they could give me something to eat, b-but they got angry and started beating me. I escaped and started running away from them.'


Talk about irrational. Naruto really had it tough, huh?

'Why did you help me?'

Naruto asked out of the blue. Saki looked at him and smiled softly.

'Do I need a reason to provide help to someone who needs it?'

Naruto also smiled along.

'No, you don't.'

After that encounter Saki and Naruto became good friends. Saki would always visit Naruto everyday before going to the hospital and bring him something to eat. Naruto had opened up to her and Saki was glad about it.

'Thanks for the meal, Saki-nee. You're the best!'

Naruto said with a huge grin on his face. They were currently at their secret spot in the woods near a cave. Saki smiled softly. He was soo adorable and he also called her elder sister. Saki wondered if he would call Sakura, 'Sakura-nee' too considering the fact that she was her twin sister.

'Ya'know, yesterday something very good happened to me.'

Naruto said the same grin present on his face. Saki's interest peeked there.

'Oh, and what might that be?'

She asked raising a fine eyebrow.

'You know the old man that owns the Ichiraku Ramen shop?'


'He gave me free ramen to eat, it was sooo tasty. And he also said that I could go there whenever I felt hungry.'


Saki knew this was going to happen but she was so pleased to see Naruto happy.

'Say, Naruto?'

Saki started. Naruto turned his attention to her.


'Are you going to attend the ninja academy next year.'

'I don't know the old man was saying that I should go there but I don't feel like it. It's not like anyone would acknowledge me even if I became a ninja.'

He said looking down. Saki felt guilty for asking the question.

'You should go there. I will be there too.'

Naruto looked at her.

'Why don't you aim to become the next Hokage, so that everyone will start acknowledging you. Remember Naruto, success only comes to those who work hard and I know that you can do it. So, will you go?'

Naruto felt soo happy. His Saki-nee had so much faith in him. He decided then and there that he would attend the academy and work hard to become the next Hokage.

'Yes, Saki-nee. I promise I will work hard. Believe it.'

'Yes, I believe you.'

Nee is a term used by the japanese to address their elder sister.

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now