Chapter 2

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Being a baby with an 18 year old mind was horrible. There was not much that a baby could do. Saki's daily routine was - wake up, feed, play, nap, go strolling in Konoha market with family, feed and sleep. This was a continuous cycle and no matter how boring it was there was nothing she could do about it. 

Sakura seemed to enjoy the daily routine. She was a baby after all. Sometimes Saki would feel envious of Sakura, how she was simply enjoying her life, while Saki was slowly being eaten up by worry with passing time. 

Thus 6 months passed by like that. Saki's anxiousness level was getting very high. 6 months had just passed by like that. It was October 10. The kyuubi attack was going to take place on this very same day. Saki wished that the night would never come. She knew that her parents were worried about her. She had been quieter than usual. What was she supposed to do? Knowing what was to take place, she couldn't help but feel anxious and a little frightened too. 

'Ki' Kizashi called out. It was a name he called her lovingly. Saki looked up at his deep blue orbs which resembled hers. 'Sweety, what's the matter?' he asked, worry evident in his tone. He picked her up and started petting her magenta hair which resembled his. Saki was really thankful that she had Kizashi's hair, she wasn't sure how Sakura got pink hair when her mother was blond and father had magenta hair. 'You have been so quite today' he said rocking her a little. She didn't like worrying him but she couldn't help it.

Mebuki was out with Sakura, so Saki had been left with her father. Saki just hoped that her mother and Sakura returned home before night comes. She knew that they would be safe as Sakura and her family had survived the kyuubi attack but she just couldn't help but worry for their safety. 

Saki didn't realize when she fell asleep but when she woke up it was already dark outside. Her eyes widened in horror as she got a feeling of dread. It was starting and her mother and Sakura were still out. 'KYUUBI' she cried out startling the once sleeping Kizashi. 'Ki?' Kizashi stated alarmed 'Did you just say something?'. 'Kyuubi' Saki said again. 'Wow, Ki. You said your first word' Kizashi said clearly pleased 'Papa is so proud of you. But what does kyuubi mean?'. Just then there was a loud bang. Kizashi ran up to the window with Saki still in his arms. Saki could see smoke at a distance from their house. It was the kyuubi. She started crying, she was terrified. Kizashi grew alarmed. It was rare for Saki to cry. It was then that he knew something was wrong. He ran out of the house holding Saki protectively.

It was utter chaos outside, people were running here and there. Jonin's were scattered everywhere trying to calm down the panicked citizens and to lead them to safety. Kizashi ran up to one of them. 'What is going on? Kizashi asked looking around. 'Sir, the village is being attacked by a monster' the jonin replied in a serious tone 'but don't worry, we will lead you and your child to safety. Please follow me.' 

Kizashi and Saki were then led to an underground shelter. Kizashi started looking around for Mebuki and Sakura. Saki's wails had now turned into quiet sobs. 'Don't worry Ki' Kizashi said rocking her in his arms 'I am sure mama and Sakura are fine'.

'KIZASHI' they heard a familiar voice call. Mebuki was standing in a distance holding a sleeping Sakura. Kizashi ran towards her and gave her a side hug. 'I am so glad you and Sakura are safe Mebuki' Kizashi said relief flooding his tone. 'Well I am glad that you're safe too Kizashi ' Mebuki replied with a smile of her own 'And while you were away this young man kept me company'. Mebuki stepped aside to reveal a little Itachi holding a baby Sasuke.

'Hello' Itachi greeted in a polite tone a small smile gracing his face. 'It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Haruno. My name is Itachi. Uchiha Itachi and this is my baby brother Sasuke.' he said bowing a little.

'Oh! What a polite little fella you are.' Kizashi said letting out a little laugh 'My name is Haruno Kizashi, young one. You can just call me Uncle Kizashi.'

All this while Saki had been watching Itachi carefully. She couldn't believe that this gentle, sweet kid would be the cause of many destructions. Itachi turned his gaze at her 'And who might this cute little girl be?' Itachi asked smiling as he reached out his hand to stroke Saki's hair. Saki's mouth moved on her own 'Saki' she replied which stunned both her parents and Itachi himself. Guess he wasn't really expecting her to reply herself. 'Saki' Mebuki started happily 'you spoke your first word.' 'Well, Mebuki, Saki spoke her first word a little earlier before' Kizashi said scratching his head 'but well I don't know what she meant by it.' 'Oh!' Mebuki stated 'What did she say?'. 'She said Kyuubi' Kizashi said looking down at Saki. Saki who for all this time had been staring at Itachi saw his eyes widen. 'Kyuubi?' Mebuki asked confused.

'Interesting' Itachi stated. Mebuki and Kizashi turned to look at him. 'What do you mean Itachi-kun?' Mebuki asked confused. 'Mr. and Mrs. Haruno? Do you know what the demon who is currently attacking Konoha is named?' Itachi asked. Kizashi and Mebuki shook their heads.

'It's named Kyuubi.'

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