Chapter 80

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Saki looked at Ichiro who was staring at her with a carefree smile on her face. He didn't seem to be nervous at all.

He seemed to be some years older than Saki. He spotted short brown hair and forest green eyes with a slightly tanned skin. (I just wanted to add a little bit of description about him so as to not make you all strain your brains too much to imagine what he looked like. I don't plan to make him a character of any importance so it's okay to forget him after this. I sound so mean. . .)

Saki was vigilant as she looked at the referee to know when the match would start.

"Are both of the contestants ready?"

The referee asked as he looked at both the contenders for confirmation.

Saki and Ichiro both nodded to that as they got ready.

"Then, you may proceed!"

With that the referee vanished in a poof of smoke leaving the two alone on the arena.

Saki immediately became alert as she looked at Ichiro to see if he would make the first move.

After staring for about a minute Ichiro still didn't move an inch. Saki looked at him in a bit of confusion as he stood there as he had from the beginning with that carefree smile.

"Aren't you going to attack?"

She asked cautiously.

"Nah! You go ahead! I will give you an advantage!"

He said grinning.

Saki frowned. She knew that he was already a Chuunin but was it okay to be so confident.

"Then don't mind me!"

With that Saki quickly made some hand signs sending sharp blades of wind in his direction.
Ichiro obviously dodged those attacks easily but as he was busy dodging those he saw Saki throw a kick in his direction.

He smirked as he put his arms up to block it and as soon as his arm came in contact with the blow, his eyes widened in pain. It was too painful. He was thrown away a few meters away.

Ichiro quickly sat up to only be met with a gust of sand blown in his face. He couldn't see anything as a mini tornado surrounded the arena. The wind blew the sand in the arena everywhere. He was having a hard time locating his opponent whom he had thought of as a little girl. His arms throbbed in pain due to the previous attack. What was up with those legs? Were they made od metal or something?!

As Ichiro was struggling to keep his eyes open he suddenly sensed a presence behind his back as he turned around slashing at the area with a kunai but didn't come in contact with anything until he was ruthlessly kneed in the abdomen.


He fell on his knees clutching his abdomen. 'Dammit it hurts!!!'

He thought bitterly. He had initially thought that he could easily win this match without using any jutsu and impress Lord Hokage but. . . that seemed impossible at the moment. He looked around in annoyance. He had to win this match no matter what! He won't let a mere genin mess with himself!

(I am really sorry to all my dear readers who had been patiently waiting for me to publish a chapter but I really couldn't think up of anything to write further about Saki's match with this Ichiro dude. By the way I officially became an adult on the 13th of this month. I celebrated my 18th birthday with my family!)

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