Chapter 6

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(A/N): ( I just wanted to say that the picture is of an 6 year old

It was a very special day. Today Saki was going to start the academy. She was more than exited. All those years in this world she had been preparing for this day. Training with father and mother and additionaly with Sasuke too. Although Sasuke didn't admit it, but Saki knew that he liked training with her.

Saki had herself grown quite fond of both Sasuke and Naruto. They were both so adorable to her. Naruto because of his cheerful behaviour and Sasuke due to his tsundere attitude.

She had even managed to gain Itachi's trust and get close to him. It took some time due to the Kyuubi incident seven years back, but eventually he grew fond of her. He even told her to call him Itachi-nii.

So, Saki had woken up quite early today to prepare for her first day at the academy. She had packed an extra lunch box for Naruto. The boy looked so happy when Saki would care for him like a sister. Seriously, having someone to care for you is a blessing.

Saki stepped out of her home accompanied by Sakura.

Sakura had changed a lot after she met Ino. She seemed to be more confident and she had started wearing her hair like in the Naruto series, with parted bangs, tied with a red ribbon gifted to her by Ino. She had started going out on her own without anyone accompanying her. Saki was both glad and worried at the same time. Glad because Sakura could finally stand up for herself and worried because Saki knew that after meeting Sasuke today, she was sure to change for the bad. Atleast, for the Naruto series.

'Good luck, my little girls. Show 'em what ya got.'

Kizashi said grinning, pumping his fist up in the air.

'Good luck, sweethearts. Make us proud.'

Mebuki said kissing Saki and Sakura on their heads.

'We will mother/mama.'

Saki and Sakura said at the same time. Twin thing.

Saki and Sakura walked towards the academy in an awkward silence. Saki and Sakura's relationship was slowly breaking, they were not as close as they used to be. In this past year they were not able to spend time together except for dinner and bed time.

There were two reasons. Saki's time dedicated to Naruto, Sasuke, training and the hospital and Sakura's friendship with Ino.

Saki would usually go out at noon and come back home when the sun is just about to set, but Sakura would usually go out in the morning after breakfast, come back for lunch, go out again and come back straight for dinner. Saki was a little upset that Sakura seemed to be slowly drifting away from her but she was glad that she got a friend.


Saki called out.


Sakura replied without looking at her.

'Will you sit with me today?'

'I am sorry, sister but I already promised Ino-chan that I will sit with her today.'


Saki was hurt but she decided to keep quite about it.

As they entered the academy, Sakura immediately went running to Ino who was talking to her group of friends. Saki just smiled and went to sit down somewhere at the front. A little while later, Sasuke came in. Saki looked at Sakura to see her reaction. She along with other girls including Ino were gawking at him with a deep blush on their cheeks. Ino and Sakura moved a little making space so that Sasuke would come and sit with them.

Reborn in Naruto : Saki HarunoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora