Chapter 74

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Saki watched on silently as Kabuto quit before the preliminary rounds and walked away after waving Naruto goodbye.

Suddenly Sasuke who was right in front of her clutched his neck in pain.

"Are you all right?!"

Saki asked in worry as she glared at the mark on his neck. Just because he didn't strain himself as much doesn't mean that there won't be those wretched burst of pains.

"I'm alright. . . Don't worry."

He said gritting his teeth.

Saki wondered if she should stop him from entering the preliminary rounds. But she knew for a fact that the their Sensei, Anko and the Hokage all know about Sasuke's situation but they will still let him take it.
Just as she was contemplating her decision Sakura spoke up in quite a loud voice.

"Sa-Sasuke-kun you should also quit the prelim!!"


Naruto exclaimed in surprise at that.

"You have been strange since that  Orochimaru guy attacked you. That mark still hurts right?!! If you continue. . ."

She clutched her hands tightly together bringing them to her wildly beating heart. Tears were starting to gather in her eyes.

"Please. . . please quit. . . I'm afraid. . ."

Everyone was silent at that.

"You are in no condition to fight right now!!!"

She shouted out for everyone to hear. The people around them were looking at their direction now.

"Shut up!!"

Sasuke said gritting his teeth as he glared at her.

"I can see it!! You have been hiding the pain all this time!!!"

"Be quite!!"

Sasuke was getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"Whatever you say I'm going to-"

"Stop it Sakura!"

Saki stopped her before she could even raise her hand a little bit. She didn't want any more conflicts and moreover Kakashi already knows about the mark anyway.

"Don't let your emotions decide someone else's matters. If Sasuke doesn't want to quit then let him take the test."

Saki had thought of a way to keep Sasuke away from that teammate of Kabuto with whom he was destined to fight. She just hoped that things may turn out in her favour.

"That's right. . . Stay out of my business."

Sasuke said glaring at Sakura.

"Sasuke you too stop it! We're causing a commotion."

Even though what she was going to do next would be causing an even bigger commotion.

"Um. . . now. . . let's begin the preliminary. The preliminary will consist of one on one fighting. You will basically fight as if in a real life confrontation. Since we have 21 entrants, we will conduct a total of 11 matches. Since we don't have an even number of entrants. . . one of you will have to fight a Chuunin. Of course the Chuunin would have to fight accordingly to a Genins level. But don't think it will be easy to win against them."

Saki's eyes widened. This was more normal than she thought. No random character jumping out of nowhere.

"Umm. . . the winners will advance to the third test. There are basically no rules. The fight continues until one of you dies or is knocked out or admits your defeat. Um. . .if you don't want to die than quickly acknowledge your defeat. . ."

After that he went on to explain that since they didn't want  pointless amount of increased corpses he would jump in when the winner is clearly established. After that he went on to switch on the electric score board which will show the matchup for each battle. All of the explaining was of course done with his usual coughing.

The electric board lit up to reveal the first match up. Saki looked at it with a knowing look. It was obviously Sasuke versus Yoroi. . . Orochimaru's minion.

She breathed in and out to calm herself. She had to do this for Sasuke. So with determination she raised her hand.

"Lord Hokage I would like to discuss something privately before the match! It won't take much time! Will you please grant my request?"

The hall was silent for a while. As everyone's eyes were set on her.

". . . Alright. Come up the platform."

The Hokage broke the silence as he motioned for her to come up.

"What are you doing?!"

Sasuke said in worry as he questioned her seriously.

Naruto and Sakura were looking at her in confusion too.

"Just trust me. I'll be back."

She said giving them a reassuring smile. After that she quickly made her way towards the platform.

As she approached the Hokage she could see Kakashi looking at her with a questioning look.

"Lord Hokage I would like to exchange my match partner with Sasuke."

She got straight to the point.

"Oh. . ."

He said with a raised brow.

"And why is that?"

"I know that you know about our situation."

She said as she glanced at Sasuke below the platform who was looking at her direction in worry.

The Hokage was silent for a while as he exchanged glances with both Anko and Kakashi.

Anko looked at him in worry as Kakashi just nodded briefly.

"You are indeed my most precious student."

Kakashi said giving her his closed eyed smile.

"We do know what you're talking about but why change partners?"

Saki knew that they knew about Kabuto and Orochimaru's connection but she couldn't expose herself so she briefly said.

"Sasuke is a little out of it at the moment. . . I am not telling you to schedule his test to another day just that I would like to go first so that he can at least pull himself together a little bit. You know he's in worse condition than any of us here. . . So please let me go first."

Kakashi looked at the Hokage as Anko whispered something in the Hokage's ear.

"Alright. . . So be it."

The Hokage said smiling at her.

"Thank you! Thank you very much! I will be forever grateful!"

Saki thanked him as she could feel relief wash over herself.

The Hokage then proceeded to call Hayate and inform him about the decision made.

Hayate nodded at him and then proceeded to announce the change in plan.

"Due to some circumstances the first match's participants have changed. Um. . . the first match will be held between Haruno Saki and Akado Yoroi! Uchiha Sasuke's partner will be changed to Haruno Saki's former partner!"

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