Chapter 42

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"I was born in a small snowy village in the Country of the Mist."

Haku recalled a nostalgic smile on his face.

"I was happy. . . My parents were very kind people . . .but"

His smile fell.

"When I grew up and began to learn the ways of the world . . . . .something happened."

"Something?What. . .?"

Naruto asked with an uneasy expression on his face.

Haku slowly wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth.

"This blood . . ."


Naruto repeated confused.

Haku was silent for a while, blankly staring at the blood on his hand.

"So. . .What happened!?"

Naruto asked impatiently.

"My father killed my mother. . .Then he tried to kill me . . ."

Haku said looking up to show his eyes that looked blank. Hollow.


Naruto whispered, shocked at what he had heard.

"The Country of Mist had had endless Civil Wars, and those with 'Advanced Blood' came to be hated. . ."

"Advanced Blood . . .!?"

Naruto exclaimed.

"Bloodlines with special abilities such as mine."

Haku explained.

"Because of these abilities, clans with such special bloodlines were used as weapons in countless battles. As a result, these blood clans were blamed for bringing misfortune and war to the country. After the wars, these clans had to hide the truth about their own blood. For those whose secret was discovered, only death awaited."

Haku then turned to look at Sasuke.

"That young man must also have experienced much hardship. Those with special abilities are often feared."

Saki glanced at Sasuke. His expression had became glum. Saki retracted her gaze from him looking straight ahead at Haku again.

"My mother was from one of these bloodlines. My father discovered this . . . When I realized what I had done, I had already killed him. . .My own father. . .!!"

Naruto flinched a little at that statement. He wasn't scared, rather shocked at the turn of events.

"And at that time. . .I thought of myself as. . .No. . .I had no choice but to think that. And I realized the most painful thing. . ."

"Most painful thing?"

Naruto asked softly.

"That in this world. . .I am a person who is unwanted."

Saki couldn't help but link Haku to herself. What role Zabuza played in Haku's life was most probably the role that her father played for her in her previous life. The only people who wanted them. Their only loved ones.

She let out a shaky breath. This was too stimulating.

"You said to me you wanted to become . . .the best ninja in your village  and have everyone acknowledge you. Now if someone who acknowledged you from the bottom of their heart appeared. . .Wouldn't that someone become the most important person to you?"

Haku paused for a while.

"Zabuza -san took me in knowing I was a person of the advanced bloodline. This blood that everyone hated. . .he desired it."

Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I was so happy!!"

He then looked down at the ground his expression blank again and after a while he raised his head a determined expression on his face.

"Naruto-kun. . .Please. . .Kill me!!"

Naruto was stunned shocked. Even Sasuke frowned hearing Haku's wish.

"Please hurry and kill me. Why are you hesitating. . ."

Saki was overcome with emotions. 

"You coward!!"

She scolded.

Everyone was shocked by her sudden outburst.

"Saki?. . ."

Sasuke whispered softly beside her.

She struggled to stand up clutching her injured side in pain. After finally managing to stand she winced in pain.

"What are you doing?!"

Sasuke hurriedly stood up trying to support her.

"Sasuke it's okay. . .There's something I need to do."

With that she struggled to walk towards Haku.

"You are just trying to avoid the consequences!!"

She looked straight at Haku. Her eyes full of many emotions.

"You are just a coward who is afraid to see what comes after a failure!! You say he's dear to you, still you are more than ready to leave his side after a small setback!!"

Just some steps away.

"If you truly care for him . . .won't you stay with him till the end. . ."

She said finally standing in front of him.

"What do you know?!"

Haku said closing his eyes, his tears flowing down continuously.

"I do know . . ."

Saki whispered just for him to hear.

"I do know . . ."

She repeated.

Haku looked at her. Her eyes told him that she wasn't lying. They were filled with genuine emotions. 

"You. . ."

At that moment Haku's eyes widened and did Saki's.

She felt it. The chakra of Kakashi's chidori.

"I have to go. . ."

Saki was worried. She had to act fast. Therefore despite of her most probably broken ribs she ran with all her might towards Kakashi who was rushing towards Zabuza. With the last bit of remaining chakra she performed a wind chakra based jutsu, the Wind Levitation jutsu. With the help of that jutsu she manipulated the wind beneath Kakashi causing him to lift up a little and as a result his position was shifted a little. The lightning blade that was supposed to stab Haku's heart stabbed his shoulder instead. Saki collapsed to the ground. Her breathing weak. She had managed to conserve a tiny bit of chakra still so as to not die. The jutsu she used was a basic one after all. 

She could hear the panicked shouts of her teammates and sensei.

Kakashi was the one who reached her first since he was the closest. He hoisted her up in his arms.

"Saki!!! Why would you do that?!"

Saki saw Kakashi's panicked expression. It was becoming harder to stay conscious, her vision was getting foggy. But she was glad that Haku was alive. She had succeeded in saving him.

"Sensei . . ."

She managed to call out amidst her dazed state. Her body was going numb.

"Don't . . . . .hurt them."

And with that she fell into a deep slumber.

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